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Weekly Alerts provide the latest new plants and upgrades of air and water flow and treat equipment and services in the worldwide power industry.
Sample Utility E-Alert - August 20, 2021 Search Previous Utility E-Alerts Video Demonstration
Weekly Alerts and an Intelligence System provide suppliers of air, water, and process equipment and consumables with a program to pursue the power plant opportunities on a worldwide basis. The basic data is just the first step in an Industrial Internet of Wisdom approach which will result in collaboration and the ability to “pull in" customers rather than push them to an order.
Power plants are really refineries. There are a number of products which can be produced.
The system includes data on hundreds of nuclear plants thousands of coal-fired plants and even larger numbers of gas turbines. The ability to search Alerts back many years results in comprehensive knowledge about the following key aspects.
The service reports on water, air, and process activities and provides the opportunity for collaboration with suppliers of complementary equipment and services. It is part of an Industrial Internet of Wisdom. This is further enhanced with webinars.
The equipment and chemicals used in processes such as gypsum dewatering are often required to achieve higher performance than that used in air and water applications. Pumps and valves with both the ability to resist corrosion and temperature while moving slurries are needed. New fuels such as hydrogen and the promise of BECCS to reduce CO2 are offering new opportunities.
Bob McIlvaine can answer your questions at 847 226 2391 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.