N005 Sedimentation & Centrifugation World Markets $3,600.00/yr online ($150.00 Each Additional User) Click here to order
Analyses and forecasts for centrifuges, clarifiers and thickeners, hydrocyclones, oil separators, and dissolved air flotation. Company analysis and segmented industry forecasts. Municipal, chemical, pulp and paper, food, metals and other industries. Market Shares. Directory. Monthly Updates. Recorded Webinars
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The market for clarifiers, dissolved air flotation and hydrocyclones which is covered in this video is part of a report which also includes decanter, disc, and other centrifuges. The centrifuges are covered in a separate video. The report provides forecasts for each type of equipment in ten different industries in 80 countries and sub regions for the next five years. Market shares for major suppliers such as Alfa Laval, GEA, and Andritrz are reported along with those of smaller niche players. The growth of Chinese suppliers is charted. The expansion into phosphorous recovery in municipal wastewater and other new applications are also assessed. Market shares for 49 centrifuge companies are included presently. Market shares for DAF, clarifier, and hydrocyclone suppliers are being added along with shares of additional centrifuge companies. There is a market share hierarchy analysis in each industry in each country. Municipal wastewater market projections start with forecasts of primary and secondary treatment for each of the next 5 years. The use of each equipment type is then determined from the combination of secondary treatment flow and then market share of aerobic vs aneraobic treatment and effluent reuse vs discharge. A networking directory with details on thousands of suppliers is also included. Details on the report are provided in a YouTube video https://youtu.be/lafl4mrzsU8
Centrifuge market shares for 47 suppliers are analyzed in depth.
SAMPLES: Centrifuge Analysis Centrifuge Market Shares
YouTube Video Demonstration: https://youtu.be/hAMFuE3Uhn0
Segmentation and purchaser forecasts: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php/other-services/free-news/news-releases/47-news/1536-nr2542