N7F Masks & Respirators: World Markets: $4,900.00/yr online ($150.00 Each Additional User) Click here to order
A package with Coronavirus Market Intelligence can be added for just $500.00.
The mask and respirator market is radically changed by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. Mask demand is far exceeding supply. Because this virus is 25 tmes more deadly than the swine flu it requires use of the N95 masks in many instances.
The Mask and Respirator World Market is being expanded to include continuing analysis of the pandemic and to revise the forecasts for the healthcare and other segments.
Monthly Coronavirus Mask Market Updates are included part of the regular Face Mask Market update. There are also client briefings and webinars.
The report provides analyses of the products and suppliers for the resipirators , masks and media for personal, safety, mining, industrial, healthcare, electronics, pharmaceuticals, paint booths and other industrial applications.