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There are a million possible niches in the Air, Water, Energy market. Success is achieved by the right selections for 20% market share and 30% EBITDA. Larger companies need to be focused on thousands of niches and tens of thousands of sub-niches each with its own value proposition. This is easier said than done and results in financial reporting where instead of 100 cost numbers per sales number the ratio is close to parity.

Mcilvaine publishes market reports with up to 800,000 forecasts. There is an associated analysis from which general conclusions can be reached about niches to investigate.

Mcilvaine custom reports take it a step further and bring you closer.  The destination is a group of very narrow niches for which you have a value proposition to insure at least a 20% market share and 30% EBITDA.

The selection of the specific niches and the data needed to pursue them is available with the Most Profitable Market Program. The facts and factors are gathered using the Internet of Wisdom. IOW delivers crucial information including customer requirements, competitor market share and other relevant facts and factors.

As a result, the local salesman has an assignment as to how many days to spend on each of many niches as well as the value proposition for each. The marketing department has a promotional expense target for each niche.


Several dozen basic reports are available with product forecasts in many industries in each country. Factors such as MW of power generation, tons of pulp, ore, oil, gas, various chemicals, and others are included, Exhibition and acquisition databases are used in market share analysis.  Extensive information on each of the available reports is available at:


Mcilvaine provides custom reports to the world’s largest companies and management consulting firms. Merger and acquisition support has been provided for many decades all the way back to analysis of Asea for Brown Boveri (ABB) and multiple Siemens and GE acquisitions. White papers include the widely viewed analysis of single use vs reusable surgical gowns for Cardinal Health. Bob McIlvaine can address any questions you have about this service.


20% market share and 30% EBITDA can only be obtained by an aggregation of small niches where a superior value proposition can be validated. The specific targets are quantified by the relevant facts and factors (facts x factors = forecasts). With the MPM program the Internet of Wisdom is used to provide details such as how many days per year should the local salesman devote to each of 100 sub niches.

The required inputs are niche identification, analysis, validation, and new opportunities.

  • AWE Productivity Hub

Niche forecasts are the route to increase supplier EBITDA while reducing purchaser cost of ownership. The value propositons need to be evaluated.  The AWE Productivity Hub serves that purpose.
AWE Productivity Hub

Call or email us with your questions and we can propose the service to best address your needs.

Bob McIlvaine
President, Mcilvaine Company
847 226 2391 or

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