This report has been replaced by the FGD & DeNOx Transformation Market Forecast Guide. This new guide has current forecasts through 2035 for not only the product but for support revenues as well. Support revenues are growing at rapid rates and will impact the opportunities and profits of FGD & DeNOx companies. Contact us for the details of this guide.
N027 FGD Markets and Strategies
Forecasts the market for flue gas desulfurization systems for every country of the world; analysis of both the new and retrofit market. Forecasts are in MW and $ and segmented by dry vs wet and limestone vs other. Detailed information on suppliers of systems and components, monthly FGD & DeNox newsletter. Technical and regulatory Insights, hundreds of recorded webinar presentations. Find out how this report reflects the latest developments by clicking here.
You also receive:
- Insights based on continuous analysis since 1976.
- Bottoms up forecasting thanks to complimentary technical analyses and project tracking.
- Free 30 minute tutorial through GoToMeeting.
- One Free excel table with more than 50,000 forecasts covering each product in each country in each industry.
- Quarterly excel tables available at nominal cost.
A cost effective Serviceable Available Market (SAM) forecast can be supplied as a supplement.
Serviceable Available Market (SAM) Forecasts: The 50,000 forecasts provide an actionable Total Available Market (TAM) for each tier from the CEO down to the individual sales person. Mcilvaine also has detailed information on processes within each application and a technical understanding of the differentiation among products. This will facilitate the creation of sales quotas and promotional budgeting.
Based on the SAM, Mcilvaine can not only provide the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) forecast but provide a program to enlarge and cost effectively address it.