NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                JULY 2015

World Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Business to exceed $30 billion by 2019

Revenues for water and wastewater treatment chemicals are projected to increase to over $30 billion by 2019.  This is the latest forecast in N026 Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals: World Market.

World Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market ($ Millions)

   Industry      2019
 Total 30,223
 Chemical  1,005
 Electronics  467
 Food  969
 Metals  1,014
 Mining  611
 Oil   & Gas  1,058
 Other   Industries  1,506
 Pharmaceutical  421
 Power  5,708
 Pulp   & Paper  2,337
 Refining  3,428
 Wastewater  5,116
 Water  6,583

Municipal water treatment plants will be the largest market. The world’s naturally purified drinking water sources are shrinking while demand is increasing. Countries around the world are turning to contaminated sources.  This requires substantial investments in water treatment chemicals.

Municipal wastewater plants will be the second largest market. Requirements range from disinfectants to polymers to separate sludge.  Many countries are installing secondary wastewater treatment plants.  By 2019 world secondary wastewater treatment capacity is expected to exceed 170,000 million gallons per day.

The third largest market is power.  Power plant cooling requires chemicals to prevent scaling of tower internals.  Boiler feedwater must be ultrapure.  The continuing expansion of coal-fired power generation in Asia will boost this segment of the market. Zero liquid discharge requirements in Europe and the U.S. will also provide a stimulus.

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