Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System™

The U.S. and China have new laws requiring power plants to reduce mercury. Many countries have laws governing mercury reduction from waste to energy plants and certain other sources. The U.S. has also just issued requirements for industrial boilers and cement plants.

The plant decisions involve an unusual number of separate decision trees and the necessity to move back and forth among these trees

Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System™ (GdPS)


The Mercury Reduction Global Decisions Positioning System ™(GdPS) is a route map to the right sequence of decision trees in the Global Decisions Orchard.

The Mercury Reduction GdPS is a continually updated system which is designed for the plant decision maker. Mercury Air Reduction Markets is a guide and strategic planning tool for suppliers which includes access to the GdPS along with a market support program.

A video discussion of the system is displayed at:

If you are an employee of a power, waste to energy, or cement plant and would like free access to the Mercury Reduction GdPS please fill out and return the registration form shown at:

For more information on Mercury Air Reduction Markets, click on: