News and Insights

$80 billion Market for AWE Products in LNG

Precision Mapping of Your Orders

Industrial Pump Market to Reach $100 billion by 2034

Air Pollution Control Market Could Surge to $170 billion/yr.

Leveraging the Entire Universe of Process Equipment in Your Market Strategy

Continuous Solid Liquid Separation is a $20 Billion Market

The Most Profitable Market is an Aggregation of Niches

Rapid Changes in the Air, Water, Energy (AWE) Market

Forecasting the AWE Industry is Made Difficult by Politics

Facts and Factors on 20,000 Prospects Needed to Generate EBITDA of $120 million

Niche Focus Plus IIOW is the Most Profitable Option for AWE Companies

Integrating the MPM and CRM Systems

Predict Customer Purchases in Each Niche

AWE Product Purchases are More Predictable Than Commonly Assumed

Lower Cost of Sales with Niche Market Forecasts

Where is the Trillion Dollar AWE Market Going?

Acquisitions Should Be Guided by Most Profitable Market (MPM) Program

Suppliers Need to Provide the Value Propositions to OEMS, AE’s and Distributors

Niche Profits from Prediction to Achievement

Clean Room Filters Analyzed in the Productivity Hub

Program to Boost Supplier EBITDA to 30%

AWE Productivity Hub Launched

Customer Access to AWE Niche Value Propositions

Pursuing the Niche AWE Markets

Value Propositions for Hydrogen Niches

AWE Market Research Should Use the Cost Accounting Format

Cleanroom Filters - Example of Creating the Most Profitable Niches

Can Flowserve/Velan Double Their Valve EBITDA with the MPM Aggregated Niche Program?

Assign Niche Responsibility to Each Salesman

One at a Time Niche Market Program

Valve Forecasts as the Foundation of Business Strategy

Voter Empowerment will Improve Life Quality

Forecasting AWE Systems is Essential for Product Forecasting

Forecasting the Hydrogen Opportunity for Each AWE Product

686,000 Cleanroom Filter Forecasts Plus the Facts and Factors to Create Them

25% of Air, Water, Energy (AWE) People Rely on Sales Forecasts

Improve the Thousands of Forecasts You are Already Using

Industrial Cartridge Market Dominated by Life Sciences

Hydrogen Valve Revenues Growing at Double Digit Rates

Making 106 million AWE Forecasts Continually Reliable

106 million Air, Water, Energy Product Forecasts Available

3-Year Target for Every Salesman

Detailed Gas Turbine Intake Filter Forecasts Available

The Most Profitable AWE Market is an Aggregation of the Top Niches

Celeros is Pursuing a $4 billion Filter Market

Sales Targets for U.S. AWE Sales Territories

Aggregating Market niches for the Most Profitable Market

Growth Strategy in the $10 Trillion AWE & Adjacencies Market

Increasing Pump Profits is a Chess Game Where the Opponents and Rules Keep Changing

Semiconductor Ultrapure Water is a $3 billion Air, Water, Energy, (AWE) Market

Holistic Approach to Acquisitions and Organic Growth

IIoT Market Niches, Shares and Acquisitions Constantly Change

Niche Market Share Analyses Provide Unique Insights

Life Quality and ESG

Niche Market Leadership for Higher Profits in the Valve Industry

Pump Company Acquisitions Increase Niche Market Shares

Acquisition and Expansion Guide in Air, Water, and Energy

Thousands of AWE Market Niches Will Shape a $300 billion IIoT Market

Millions of Cleanroom Market Forecasts, Projects, Market Shares and Acquisitions Continually Updated

The Role of Private Equity for Small and Mid-Sized Pump and Valve Companies

Value of Acquisitions in the Pump Industry

Value of Acquisitions in the Valve Industry

Sea Change in the Pump and Valve Markets

Fabric Filter Market Changing Faster Than Any Time Since 1960

Evidence Based Sales Strategy Needed for CO2 Pumps and Compressors

Simulated Trials as a Winning Sales Strategy

Most Profitable Market for Cleanroom Product and Service Suppliers

Air, Water, Energy (AWE) Suppliers Can Guide Program to Replace Russian Energy

Continuous HVAC Filter Forecasts Needed  in These Uncertain Times

Maximize Cleanroom Garment Profits

Gas Turbine Filter Purchasing Guide for FiltXPO

Air, Water, Energy  (AWE) Markets with a Transworld Partnership

The Russian Factor can Increase AWE Revenues by 35% or Decrease them by 50%

Single Use Assemblies are the Fastest Growing Flow and Treat Market Segment

Europe Needs an Energy Plan with Holistic Risk Evaluation

Semiconductor Projects and Operations will be Heavily Impacted by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Russian Invasion is Already Impacting AWE Markets

Connecting People with Hydrogen and Biopharma Knowledge

Substantial Mask Market Likely for Next Five Years

$30 Billion Market for Air, Water, Energy Products for Hydrogen Production by 2030

Air Pollution Control is Checkers but Climate Change is Chess

$60 Billion Annual Market for Air, Water, Energy (AWE) Products and Services for Hydrogen

Reducing AWE Product Cost of Ownership While Increasing Supplier EBITA

$300 Billion Air Water Energy Market

Winning Orders at the 1000 Largest Pharma Companies

IIoW Collaboration will Result in Huge Benefits for Suppliers and Purchasers of AWE Products

HVAC Filter Markets Shaped by Cost Perceptions

Blood Plasma Fractionation as an Example of a Path to Greater Profits for Air, Water and Energy (AWE) Suppliers

Increase Air, Water, Energy (AWE) Profits One Application at a Time

Most Profitable Marketing Program for AWE Products and Services

$100 Billion Annual Market for Pumps, Valves, and Other Air, Water, and Combustion Products in Energy Applications

Detailed Forecasting of the Air, Water, Energy Opportunities in Pharma

AWC Markets Forecast for Thousands of Food and Beverage Niches

Choose One Process, Pump or Valve Over Another Based On Life Quality Impacts

Most Profitable Market Program for High Performance Air, Water, and Combustion Product Suppliers

CHP will be an Important Component of a Net Zero Policy

Bottoms Up Marketing Strategy for High Performance Pumps

Make it Easy to Buy a Better Pump, Valve, or Filter

Large Growth in Air, Water, and Combustion Revenues in the Power Industry

BECCS at All the World’s Coal Plants Would Bring CO2 Levels Down to 360 ppm

Keep Up With All the Power Industry Changes Impacting Flow and Treat Markets

Many Large Growing Market Niches for Hydrogen Flow and Treat Products

Pursuing the Most Profitable Flow and Treat Niche Markets

Would an Ingersoll  Rand/SPX Merger Increase Flow and Treat Profitability?

Soaring Market for High Efficiency Air Filters

Forecasting Markets Based on EBITA Not Revenues

The Merits of Indoor Mask Wearing

Complexities of Selling Flow and Treat Products to Food Processors

Pump Forecasts for Every Market Niche

Valve Forecasts for Every Market Niche

Pharmaceutical Valves and HVAC Filters Cost of Ownership Analyses Added to System

Management Strategy Based on Niche LTCO Analyses

Market Share -TCO - Profitability Causation Loop

Market Share Analysis Needs to be Very Focused

A New Business Strategy for Air, Water, Flow and Treat Suppliers

Total Cost of Ownership Factors Dictate Flow and Treat Purchases

Powder Show in August for Fabric Filter Total Cost of Ownership validation (LTCOV)

Profit Margin Potential Depends on the Competition

Path to Increased Profits

Market Forecast Needs Differ for Strategic Planning, Content Marketing, and Direct Sales

Increasing Pump and Valve Profits Through LTO Perception

Masks Will Continue to be a Big Revenue Producer

Content Marketing Relies on Detailed and Accurate Forecasts

$55 Billion Market for Pharmaceutical Air and Water Flow and Treat Products and Services

Comprehensive Pharmaceutical Prospect Tracking

The Number of Cleanroom Projects Increasing at a Double Digit Rates

650,000 Pump Forecasts for Strategy and Sales Planning

578,000 Valve Forecasts for Strategy and Sales Planning

From Sales Leads to Leadership

Major Changes in the Mask Market

$400 Billion Holistic Clean Air Market

$800 Billion Water Purification and Use Market

Markets for Air Filters, Controls and Masks Changing Rapidly

Mask and Media Suppliers Need an Assured Third World Market

The Future Markets for Oil and Gas Valves, Pumps, Filters, and Monitors

Three Step Mask Strategy Webinar Friday Feb 5 at 10:AM CST

Huge High Efficiency Mask Market

Biden Mask Mandate Debate This Thursday - Join the Discussion

Eliminate COVID Now with Tight Fitting, Efficient Masks

Huge Changes in the Filter and Filter Media Markets

Valve Market Research for the Low Hanging and High Fruit

Holistic Plan to Battle COVID Now

The Pandemic is Like a Football Game Where the Head Covering is a Life and Death Decision

Immediate Opening of the Economy with CATER 95 Masks

Mask Supplier Guidance Program Focuses on $60 billion Opportunity

Holistic and Timely Use of Filtration Resources Needed to Fight COVID

Billions of Masks Needed to Achieve Herd Immunity

Herd Immunity with a Combination of Vaccines and CATE Masks

CATE Masks Seven Times Better for Biden Mandate

World Face Mask Market Growth could be Huge or Just Robust

CATE Masks are the Future

Efficient, Tight Fitting Masks are Affordable

A BB Gun in Bear Country is Like a Cloth Mask at a Rally

Filter Media Market will be Large but Volatile

The Value of Tight Fitting Effective Masks Demonstrated by White House Events

Efficient Tight Fitting Masks are Needed to Beat COVID

Wastewater Pump Market Shares and WEFTEC

Valve Market Share Analysis for Hundreds of Companies

Asia will Account for More Than Fifty Percent of Fabric Filter Purchases This Year

Air Filter Market will Grow but by How Much ?

Industrial Air Filtration Knowledge Can be Used to Fight COVID

Routes to Maximizing Profits

Filters, Masks and Media Production to Best Deal with COVID

Dynamic Filter and Media Market Could Reach $80 billion in 2022

Value Rating for Masks and Filters Using LEE

Value Rating System Needed for COVID Mitigation Options

Filters and HVAC Selection to Fight COVID will be Analyzed in a September 10 Webinar

Instant Market Insights Through Video Conferences

Air Filter Market and Proactive Program For Suppliers

Mask Virus Removal Efficiency will be Important Focus in August 20 Webinar

High Efficiency Mask Market and Proactive Program for Suppliers

Proactive HVAC Suppliers can Boost Revenues by $60 Billion

Program to Make the Best Coronavirus  Decisions Should Implemented Now and Then Continuously Improved

Are Cloth Masks Aerosol Generators?

Healthy Lifestyle Along with Coronavirus Technology and Pharmaceutical Solutions will Vanquish COVID-19

A Proactive Filtration Industry can Vanquish COVID and Boost Revenues by Hundreds of Billions of Dollars

Filtration Revenues Could Triple by 2022

Annual Face Mask Market of  $40 billion to $400 billion

Efficient Masks Should be the Primary Weapon to Vanquish COVID

Air Treatment Tools to Deal with the Coronavirus

Maximizing Pump Profits with a COVID Battle Plan

Webinar on 18th will Address the Importance of Masks for the Wearer

Should we Invest in HEPA Filters and Efficient Masks for the Public?

The World is One Large Coronavirus Cleanroom Market

Mask Policy Review

Mask Webinar on June 18 to Launch Debate on Protecting Wearer as Well as Those at Risk

Markets Shaped by Coronavirus Technology and Pharmaceutical Solutions

Win the War with Coronavirus Technology Solutions

McIlvaine Provides a Coronavirus Solution Bridge Between Suppliers and the Food Processing Industry

Laminar Flow Not Partitions and Masks Not 6 ft Distance are the New Recommendations

Technology Can Provide an Accelerated Recovery from the Coronavirus Pandemic

Safe and Cost Effective Food Processing in the COVID-19 Era

Two Crucial Factual Errors Relative to Coronavirus

Billion Dollar Meat Processing Virus Mitigation Market

Pandemic Impact on the Filter and Mask Market

Social Distancing Alternative with Low Risk and Modest Cost for Coronavirus Mitigation

Innovative Coronavirus Mitigation Technology Can Improve Conditions Immediately

Coronavirus Impact on the Filtration Market - Large or Small?

Webinar on Coronavirus Mask Reuse

Innovation to the Rescue

Webinar on Coronavirus Masks and Filters

Pandemic Era Sales Programs

Mask and Respirator Market - Short Term and Permanent Impact of Coronavirus

Air Filter Market - Short Term and Permanent Impact of Coronavirus

Air Filtration Supplier Knowledge Needs For the Coronavirus Pandemic

Insights - March 10, 2020

Coronavirus and the Impact on Air Filtration and Cleanroom Market

Holistic Non-Woven Filtration Media Program

Insights - February 24, 2020

Should we be changing our definitions of air pollutants?

FILTXPO Shows How Filter Media Has Important Uses Beyond Particle Capture

Insights - February 13, 2020

World Fabric Filter Market is Growing and Changing

Will the $50 billion FGD Market Go Up or Down?

Air Pollution Monitoring Market is Growing but not Consolidating

Insights - February 5, 2020

Opportunistic Biomass - CCS Program is the Route chosen by the UK and Japan

Crane Valve Market Share Slightly Changed by CIRCOR Acquisition

Climate Change and the Quality of Life

Insights - January 23, 2020

The Opportunistic Antidote to the Climate Change Doomsday Scenario

Urgent Answers for Flow and Treat Suppliers

Determining  Flow and Treat Market Shares and Rankings

U.S. Coal Fired Flow and Treat Market will be Diminished but Significant

Insights - January 15, 2020

Valve Market Share Analysis for 140 Companies

Relevant Pump Market Shares

Insights - December 20, 2019

MBR Market to Exceed $5 billion in 2024

Two Game Changers for Flow and Treat Companies

Insights - December 4, 2019

World Centrifuge Market Controlled by Fewer than Fifty Companies

Most Profitable Market Program for Flow and Treat Companies in the Power Industry

Insights - November 18, 2019

Insights - November 15, 2019

Indian Energy Insights - November 12, 2019

Insights - November 7, 2019

FGD Market Offers Billions of Dollars of Profits

Determining the Market for Your Product at Every Food Plant

Insights - October 30, 2019

True Cost of Gas Turbine Inlet Filters

True Cost of Limestone FGD Recycle Pumps

Insights - October 23, 2019

Market Research from Leonardo DaVinci to IIoW

Insights - October 15, 2019

Woven Belts and Cloths for Coal Fired Power Plants

Insights - October 7, 2019

Effect of Interference on the Combust, Flow, and Treat Markets

Sucking CO2 Out of the Air Means There is No Tipping Point

Biomass Ready Coal Fired Plants and Massive Tree Planting will be the Compromise Climate Change Solution

Utility Tracking System has Details on All Coal Fired Operators Around the World

The Future of Biopharmaceuticals will Depend on Perceived Value vs Cost

Insights - September 25, 2019

Insights - September 18, 2019

Combust, Flow, and Treat (CFT) Market in Oil and Gas is Large but Volatile

Insights - September 4, 2019

Dry Scrubber Market will grow to $5 billion/yr.

Insights - August 27, 2019

Fracking Growth is Changing U.S. CFT Markets

Insights - August 20, 2019

Determining True Cost for Dry Scrubbing through Coal Fired Power Plant Decisions

Insights - August 13, 2019

Coal Fired Power Plant Decisions locates the Critical Insights Lost in the Wilderness of Available Knowledge

Why can India Justify Coal-fired Power Plant Expansion?

Insights - August 6, 2019

Coal Fired Plant Decisions provides Guide to Lowest Cost of Ownership

Insights - July 29, 2019

Selling to the 500 Coal Plant Owners who make 99 percent of the Purchases

India will be a Major Purchaser of Dry Scrubbers

Insights - July 23, 2019

Would You Rather Share Sales Leads with Your Allies or with Your Competitors?

Sales Program based on the 500 Coal Plant Operators that buy 99 Percent of the Combust, Flow and Treat Products

Combust Flow and Treat Market Research Options

Join the Debate on Insitu Rare Earth Recovery

Coal Byproducts including Rare Earths will be a Game Changer

U.S. Coal Plant Environmental Upgrades to cost more than $50 billion

$10 Billion Market for SCR Systems, Reagents and Catalyst

Maximizing CFT Profits in the Coal Fired Power Generation Industry

SiloBuster Webinar Program for Combust, Flow, and Treat (CFT) Suppliers

Oil, Gas, Refining Daily Project Tracking and Monthly Analysis

Indonesia is One of Many Asian Countries Relying on Coal

Factors Shaping the Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) Market

Large Maintenance and Repair Market for World’s Coal Fired Boilers

Innovation in the Combust, Flow and Treat Industry is a Product of Wisdom through Interconnection

Power Market Guidance in Weekly Twenty Page Alert

Power Industry will Spend $ 3.2 billion for Pumps Next Year

Coal Fired Power Plant Combust, Flow and Treat Purchases will Exceed Those for Wind, Solar, Nuclear, and Gas Turbine Plants

Pump Companies Continuing to Change Strategy and Ownership

Flow and Treat Purchases by TSMC and Other Chip Producers

Flow and Treat Acquisition Choices Shaped by Most Profitable Market Program

Bottoms Up Collaboration Around Each Major Flow and Treat Prospect

Eliminating Silos can Increase Profits in Air, Water and Energy

LNG is a Most Profitable Market for CFT Suppliers

Most Profitable Petrochemical Markets for CFT Suppliers

Treatment Chemicals Most Profitable Market Analyses based on Knowledge

The Lowest Total Cost of Ownership Cycle for Oil and Gas CFT Products

Low Cost Oil and Gas will Boost the U.S. Combust, Flow and Treat Market

U.S. Petrochemical Companies will increase IIoT and Remote O&M Purchases by 8%/yr through 2025

U.S. Petrochemical Industry is a Most Profitable Market (MPM) Opportunity for CFT Providers

Gas Turbines are a Most Profitable Market for CFT Suppliers

Wet FGD: Most Profitable Markets

Forecasting the Most Profitable Market - Kemira Example

Achieving the Most Profit from Valve Sales

Dry Scrubbing: Most Profitable Markets

Hydraulic Fracturing Presents a Most Profitable Market Opportunity for CFT Product and Service Companies

Hydraulic Fracturing Presents a Most Profitable Market Opportunity for Pump Manufacturers

Forecasting of Most Profitable Markets for CFT Products and Services

Frac Sand Plants will spend more than $45 million for Flocculants by 2025

Fifty Companies buy Half the Electrostatic Precipitator Systems and Parts

Forecasting Valve Purchases by each Major Owner

Impact of Coal on the U.S. Economy

Predicting Profitability of Air Pollution Control Companies

Largest Coal Fired Power Pump Market is in the RCEP

Fabric Filter Market for Coal Fired Electric Generators is Growing Faster than the Industry

Asphalt and Aggregate Event and Markets

Dry Scrubber Design-Construct-Guide-Maintain Market to reach $9.6 billion in 2020

Cement Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) Market will Exceed $50 billion in 2025

Industrial Ventilation and Dust Collection should not be Two Different Silos

Preparing for the Cement Conference in St. Louis

Value of Weir Pump and Valve Division and Colfax Howden Fan and Compressor Division positively impacted by Reservoir of Subject Matter Ultra Expertise

Liquid Treatment Market for Shale Fracturing Sand is Growing Rapidly

Subject Matter Ultra-Experts become the Foundation of the CFT Industry

Manufactured Frac Sand Transforming the Combust, Flow, and Treat Markets for Granular Materials

Combust, Flow, and Treat Technology is a Major Geopolitical Force

Product Forecasts for Each Customer as the Foundation of a Business Program

Detailed Valve Market Share Forecasting

Sales Program focused on the 50,000 top CFT Prospects

Forecasting Pump Purchases by Companies More Important than by Countries

Big Coal Fired Power CFT Market is in the RCEP

Contract Manufacturing Impact on the Combust, Flow, and Treat (CFT) Industry

What do Biopharmaceuticals, Shale Fracturing and IIoT have in Common

$6 Billion Market for NOx Control Consumables

First Quarter 2019 Webinars will Focus on Biopharmaceuticals

The IIoT Market Size and Structure

Track the Clean Industry Projects on a Monthly Basis

Fabric  Filter Market, Competitor Shares, IIoT, and TCO are Inseparable

October Pump Update has Insights on Markets, Competitors and Exhibitions

October Valve Update has Insights on a Range of Important Topics

HVAC Filter Market, Market Shares, IIoT, and TCO are Inseparable

Determining Competitor Market Shares and Strategy

Creating a Winning Strategy for the Air, Water and Energy Markets

McIlvaine Market Forecasting and Analysis for Pumps demonstrated with WEFTEC Analysis

Mcilvaine Market Forecasting and Analysis for IIoT and Remote O&M Products and Services demonstrated with WEFTEC Analysis

McIlvaine Market Forecasting and Analysis for Treatment Chemicals demonstrated with WEFTEC Analysis

McIlvaine Market Forecasting and Analysis for Wastewater Centrifuges Demonstrated with WEFTEC Analysis

New Route to Market in the $18 billion Cartridge Filter Industry

Cleanroom Supplier Program in the Post Digital Era

Steel Industry Valve Purchases Will Exceed $1.7 billion this Year

Eight Indian based Companies will Spend more than $1 billion for Valves in 2019

Utility E-Alert Provides Important Weekly News Analysis of Coal Fired Power Developments

2019 Market for FGD Components and Consumables will Remain Flat

Intel will Spend $2.6 billion for Combust, Flow and Treat Products in 2019

The Changing Market for Gas Turbine Combust, Flow and Treat Products and Services

2018 Will be Another Good Year for the Cleanroom Industry

The Changing Market for Water Treatment Chemicals

The New Business Tool for Refining, Power, and Oil/Gas Valve Suppliers

The Challenge of Choosing the Best Coal Fired Power Plant Air Pollution Control Technologies

CFT Market Research in the Post Digital Era

Sludge Dewatering, WEFTEC and the Industrial Internet of Wisdom

Market for Power Plant Air Pollution Control exceeds $20 billion/yr

$8.3 billion Nonwoven Filtration Media Market

Gas Turbines are a Large and Growing Market for CFT Suppliers

Rapidly Changing Market for Valves used in Oil and Gas Industry

3700 Large Purchasers of Bags and Cartridges

Market Forecasting by Type of Purchaser

Oil, Gas, Refining Service Tracks the Activities of the Large Purchasers

Power Plant Providers are Major Purchasers of Combust, Flow and Treat Products

Sea Change in the Industrial Valve Business

Forecasts of Pump Purchases for each of the 6730 Largest Customers

Forecasting Combust, Flow and Treat Purchases of OEMs

High Performance Cartridges Represent Thirty Percent of the Market

Shale Oil and Gas will be Top Markets for Combust, Flow and Treat Products

Gas Turbine Power Plants are Leading the Way in the Adoption of IIoT and Remote O&M

Growth in Semiconductor Industry has Impact on Special Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) Markets

Large Market to Maintain and Upgrade U.S. Coal Fired Power

Indonesia is a Growing and Robust Market for Coal Fired Power

Predict the Valve Purchases by Each Customer

Forecasts for 33,000 Purchasers of Combust, Flow and Treat Products Now Available

Market Program based on Reliable Forecasts of Purchases by Each Coal Fired Boiler

Market Program based on Reliable Forecasts of Purchases by Each Customer

Forecasting your Sales Opportunity for Each Customer, Large or Small

Forecast Purchases at Each Individual Power Plant Unit

Pump Forecasts for Many Thousands of Customers

Top Five Semiconductor Manufacturers Purchase 40 Percent of the Combust, Flow and Treat Products

Which Pump Purchaser to Target First?

Customer Based Sales of Combust, Flow and Treat Products

$20 billion Market for Cartridges by 2024

Power Industry will Spend over $1.5 billion for Gas Measurement in 2022

$180 billion Market for Combust, Flow and Treat for Gas Turbines

Power Plant Cross Flow Membrane Revenue Opportunity to Exceed $1.2 billion by 2025

Accurate Forecasting of the Combust, Flow and Treat Markets Would Cost $2 billion

Top 25 Pharmaceutical Companies will buy 45 Percent of Cleanroom Consumables

Is 3M Leading the Way to IIoT for Industrial Filter Suppliers?

Largest Market for Liquid Measurement Instruments is at Existing Plants

Coal Fired Boiler Repair and Replace Market Greatly Exceeds Repair and Replace Market for Other Generation Sources

The Power of Innovation for Suppliers of Combust, Flow and Treat Products

Advanced Forecasting for Greater Sales and Profits

Coal-fired Boiler Component Market is Large and Slowly Growing

Large Replacement Market for Municipal Wastewater Combust, Flow and Treat Products

$30 billion/yr Aftermarket and $10 billion/yr Innovation Market for FGD

Lowest Total Cost of Ownership Validation (LTCOV) will be Essential for High Performance Combust, Flow and Treat Products and Services Success

Municipal Wastewater Plants to Spend $64 billion for Flow and Treat Equipment This Year

Impact of Free Trade on the $400 billion Combust, Flow and Treat Industry

Advanced Forecasting for Individual Regions Now Available

Large Combust, Flow and Treat Purchases by Offshore Oil and Gas Operators Will Accelerate Starting in 2019

Impact of IIoW Empowered IIoT on the Combust, Flow and Treat Market

Shale Boom is Boosting IIoT Revenues

Advanced Forecasting Maximizes Profitable Growth in the Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) Markets

The Advantages of Offering Multiple Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) Products

$250 billion 2022 Market for Guide, Control and Measure in Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT)

Detailed Forecasting of IIoT by Country and Company in the IIoT and Remote O&M Report

Growing Markets for Combust, Flow, Treat and IIoT in Shale Oil and Gas

U.S. Based Companies will make Twenty-five Percent of the Valve Purchasing Decisions in the New IIoT Environment

Navigating the Sea Change in the Combust, Flow and Treat Markets

World Air Pollution Control Market Growing but Shifting

Markets for Treating Liquids are Growing Faster than GDP

Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Power Plant Environmental Technology Interconnection will expand Wisdom

Gas Turbine Operators will spend $2.9 billion for Valves Next Year

Forty Percent of Flow and Treat Products for Desalination will be Purchased by Just Forty Companies Next Year

Pursuing the $25 Billion Hot Gas Air Pollution Market in the New IIoT Environment

Build Sales Strategy Around Top Global Prospects

Navigating the New Market Route for High Performance Products and Services

Two Thousand Companies make or influence most of the Pump Purchases

Five Companies will be Responsible for 39 Percent of the Combust, Flow and Treat Purchases in the Nuclear Power Sector Next Year

Flow and Treat Purchases by U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators will exceed $13 billion this Year

A New Route to Market for Combust, Flow and Treat Companies

The Role of Engineering Design Firms in Coal-fired Power Generation

The IIoT and Remote O&M Segment of Renewable Energy is Growing Faster than the Industry

Pharmaceutical Membrane Cartridge Market to Exceed $1.2 billion Next Year

FGD Purchases of $19 billion are Being Determined by Only a Few Thousand People

550 Companies will spend $5 Billion for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment

Grab a Bigger Slice of the Combust, Flow and Treat Market Pie

Coal-fired Power Plants will spend over $1.3 Billion for Analyzers in 2018

Liquid, Powder and Gas Analyzer Market Forecasts for 550 Purchasers

550 Companies will spend $5.5 Billion for Macrofiltration Next Year

Hundreds of Product Forecasts for 550 Largest Combust, Flow and Treat Purchasers

Pulp and Paper Industry will spend $1.1 billion on IIoT Next Year

Guide, Control, and Measurement Purchase Forecasts for 550 Companies

550 Companies buy 80 percent of the Fabric Filter Equipment and Bags

Valve Sales Concentrated among 2500 Purchasers

15 Coal-fired Plant Operators Will Purchase 50 Percent of the Pumps

60 Percent of the World Industrial Pumps and Valves will be Purchased by just 550 Companies

Semiconductor IIoT & Remote O&M Webinar July 19 will identify 15 Top Purchasers

Just 555 Companies buy 60 Percent of the Flow and Treat Products and Services

Fifteen Coal-fired Plant Operators will buy 50 Percent of the Flow and Treat Products and Services

Interconnection of Knowledge and People Important for IIoT

Cross Flow Membrane Market is Changing

$24 Billion Chemical Industry IIoT and Remote O&M Market by 2024

Flow Control and Treatment is One Market

Water Treatment Chemical Companies will play a Leading Role in IIoT and Remote O&M

Coal-fired Power Generators have Lots of “Clean” Opportunities

Ultrapure Water IIoT and Remote O&M Market will exceed $800 Million in 2026

Collaboration of Divisions within Large Companies will greatly Accelerate with IIoT

Cleanroom IIoT and Remote O&M Market will exceed $11 Billion in 2026

Tough Competition will limit Potential Indian Power Plant APC Market of $60 Billion to $30 Billion

IIoT is a $30 Billion Potential for Air Pollution Suppliers

$31 billion Municipal Water and Wastewater IIoT Market by 2026

$20 Billion Filtration and Separation IIoT and Remote O&M Market by 2026

$168 Billion Oil and Gas IIoT and Remote O&M Market by 2030

$11.5 Billion Opportunity for High Performance Valves in IIoT and Remote O&M

IIoT and FGD Control:  The Opportunity and the Challenge

Coal-fired Boiler IIoT Needs to Draw on Accumulated Materials Wisdom

Role of Power Plant Consulting Firms in IIoT and Remote O&M

Progress will be One-Third IIoT and Two-Thirds IIoW

Ultrapure Water Market bolstered by IIoT will exceed $12 billion in 2026

$22 Billion Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market will take many Potential Purchasing Routes

IIoT and NOx Control:  The Opportunity and the Challenge

IIoT and Thermal Gas Treatment:  The Opportunity and the Challenge

$5 Billion Cleanroom Market will be Increasingly Impacted by IIoT Technologies

Industrial IoT and Remote Operations and Maintenance Will Generate Revenues In Excess Of $1.4 Trillion

Gas Turbine Opportunities for Valve Companies Shaped by IIoT

IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $1 Billion Gas Turbine Plant Pump Repair, Replace and Service Market

IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $100 Billion Gas Turbine Repair, Replace and Service Market

IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $400 Million Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Liquid Cartridge Replace and Service Market

IIoT is Creating New Market Paths to the $700 Million Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Air Filter Repair, Replace and Service Market

Remote Support is a $1.6 Billion Potential Business for Precipitator Product and Service Companies

NOControl Market Opportunity is $38 Billion Per Year

$18.7 Billion Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Solutions by 2026

$125 Billion/yr. Power Plant IIoT Instrumentation, Software and Service Opportunity

Market for Monitoring Gases, Liquids and Solids Predicted to Grow Robustly

Who Should Purchase GE Water?

Water Treatment Chemicals Market is Growing Faster than GDP

Largest Revenue Generation in the World FGD Market Will Be in the Aftermarket

Filtration Market Rankings Change with Two Acquisitions

Connecting Things, People, Intelligence, Niche Experts and Wise Crowds for Power Industry Decisions

Impact of the Trump Administration on the U.S. Valve Markets

Impact of the Trump Administration on the U.S. Pump Markets

Impact of the Trump Administration on the U.S. Cartridge Markets

Market for Air Filtration Media, Resins Adhesives, Fibers, Coatings and Binders to Exceed $1.75 Billion by 2021

Market for Cross-flow Membrane Resins, Adhesives, Fibers, Coatings and Binders to Exceed $2.9 Billion by 2021

Market for Cartridge Filter Resins, Adhesives, Fibers, Coatings and Binders to Exceed $4.8 Billion by 2021

Market for Fabric Filter Resins Adhesives, Fibers, Coatings and Binders to Surge to more than $1 Billion by 2023

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $313 Billion­ for Equipment, Repairs and Service Next Year

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $1.3 Billion for Pumps Next Year

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $3.5 Billion for Valves Next Year

$10 Billion/yr. FGD Market

Wild Swings in the NOx Control Market

Sales of Cleanroom Consumables Will Exceed $8 Billion Next Year

Sales of Ultrapure Water Systems Will Exceed $4.5 Billion Next Year

Cross-flow Membrane Equipment and Consumable Sales to Exceed $11 Billion Next Year

Market for Fabric Filter Systems Will Exceed $9 Billion Next Year

New Approach allows Subscribers to Reach the Summit of the Mountain of Information on Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Technology

New Approach allows Subscribers to Reach the Summit of the Mountain of Information on Coal-fired Boilers

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Will Spend $184 Million for Air Filtration and Air Pollution Control Next Year

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Will Spend $146 Million for Liquid/Solid Separation and Water Treatment Control Next Year

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Will Spend $100 Million For Monitoring and Automation Next Year

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Will Spend $62 Million for Pumps Next Year

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Will Spend $91 Million for Valves Next Year

New Approach Allows Suppliers to Reach 50 percent of the World’s Power Generation Market

Utilizing the Excess Coal-fired Boiler Talent in the U.S.

Cartridge Filter Sales to be Just under $17 Billion Next Year

Interconnecting the Flow Control and Treatment Industry

Scrubber Sales to Reach $7.4 Billion Next Year

Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemical Market Sales to Surpass $27 Billion Next Year

Sales of Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment to exceed $7.5 billion Next Year

World Market for Air Filters Will Reach $7.6 billion Next Year

Custom Websites for Power Plants are the Next Step to achieve the Interconnectivity of People

Growing Need for Better Silencers and Sound Enclosures for Stationary Reciprocating Engines

High Value Calcium and Sodium Sorbent Opportunity Created by Catalytic Filter Developments

Power Plant and Energy Projects Should Be Tracked from Inception

The “Hurry up” Pace for Flow Control and Treatment

Decision Guides Help to Increase Market Share

Yes, Landfill Gas Engines Will Produce More Poison Ivy but also More Tomatoes

The Catalytic Filter will have a Major Impact on the Fabric Filter, Scrubber, Precipitator, NOx and FGD Markets

Maximizing Flow Control and Treatment Revenues in the Oil and Gas Industries

Smog Today or Climate Change Tomorrow: The Chinese Dilemma

Help McIlvaine create a Uniquely Valuable Stationary Reciprocating Engine Emissions and Sound Control Decision Guide in Just Four Weeks

Power Plant Air Quality Decisions Aids Power Plants in Making Environmental Decisions

Improving the Right-to-Win Ability for High Performance Flow Control andTreatment Products

7,000 Utility Coal-fired Power Plants Are Continuing to Upgrade and Replace Controls and Equipment

The Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment Will Exceed $8.4 Billion/yr. By 2020

Coal-Fired Power Plants Must Make Many Tough Decisions

Mercury Removal from Exhaust Stacks and Process Gas is a Shifting Billion Dollar/yr. Market

Air Filtration Market Will Grow to $8.6 Billion/yr. by 2020

Market for Water used in Power Plants is Large and Fast Growing

2017 High Performance Cartridge Sales Will Be $4.6 Billion

Fluctuating Choke Valve Market Will Bounce Back

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $1.3 Billion for Ultrapure Water Systems at New Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $300 Million for Pumps at New Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants

Sales of New Gas Turbine Systems to Reach $87 Billion Next Year

Granular Media Filter Sales to Exceed $2.4 Billion in 2021

Desalination System Investment to Exceed $14 Billon/yr. over the Next Five Years

Acid Gas Removal needs will boost the 2020 Fabric Filter Market by 2020

India Flow Control and Treatment Revenues will reach $12 billion in 2017

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants will spend $1.3 billion for Odor Control Scrubbers Next Year

$600 Million Market for Gas Turbine Air Filters

Gas Turbine Plant Operators will Spend $1.7 Billion for Water Treatment Chemicals Next Year

Evaluating LTCO Improves the Selection Process for High Performance Flow Control and Treatment Equipment

NOx Catalyst and Reagent Market Grows Nicely While Equipment Slumps

$3.8 Billion Ultrapure Water Market in 2017

$11 Billion Membrane Filtration Market Growth Dependent on Technology, Demand and Regulations

Increasing Flow Control and Treatment Product Gross Margins 

$23 Billion High Performance Pump Revenues Projected for 2017

Acid Gas Removal Market Shifts to Existing Power Plants

Market to Remove Liquids From Oil and Natural Gas Approaches $2 Billion/Yr.

$35 Billion Filter Market led by Five Major Segments

Total Solutions is the Best Path for International Air Pollution Control Equipment Suppliers

Flow Control and Treatment Component Solutions provide a $500 billion Market

High Performance Pump Market for NAFTA Chemical Industry Tops $440 Million

Severe Service Valve Sales to the Chemical Industry will be just under $4 Billion in 2017

Complex Unintended Consequences Obscure the Path Forward for Air Pollution Control

Large Individual Projects and Multiple Small Projects by Large Treatment Plants make Sales easier for Suppliers to North American Municipal Wastewater Plants

Air and Water Monitoring Market to grow to $28 Billion Next Year

Asian Purchasers will drive the $5.6 Billion Cleanroom Hardware Market

New Route to Reach Prospects in Flow Control and Treatment Applications

The Impact of Non-Traditional Needs and Solutions on Pump Industry Profitability

2017 Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Purchases Will Exceed $27 Billion

Petrochemicals Is a Growth Market for Flow Control and Treatment

Multibillion Dollar Hot Gas Filtration Market will be Technology Driven

Flow Control and Treatment Companies will benefit from a Digital Crystal Ball

World Gas Treatment Market to Reach $35 Billion Next Year

$70 Billion Filter Market in 2016

Oil and Gas Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment will be $400 Million this Year

$14 Trillion to Be Spent On Power Plant Equipment and Repairs in the Next 25 Years

International Strategy is Critical for Survival in the Flow Control and Treatment Industries

Oil and Gas Remains Major Market for Flow Control and Treatment Companies

Market For Industrial Cross-flow Membrane Products Will Exceed $10 Billion Next Year

$7 Billion Will Be Spent For Liquid Macrofiltration Products and Media In 2017

Market for Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment Will Range between $5 and $10 Billion/yr. over the Next Seven Years

NOx Control Decision Guides will be compared on March 24 at 10am central time

Cartridge Filter Media Sales to Exceed $3 Billion in 2016

Daikin Now has Over a Nine Percent Market Share in Air Filtration with the Purchase of Flanders

$40 Billion Gas Turbine System Equipment and Parts Market Will Be Impacted By Many Factors

Knowledge Beats Muscle in Gaining Market Share in Flow Control and Treatment Industries

Flow Control and Treatment Mining Market Tops $13 Billion in 2017

The Flow Control Future Belongs to International Companies with Holistic and Proactive Development, Supply and Sales Programs

Power Plant Valve Market Shifting to Asia

A Complex Multitude of Air Quality Decisions Need to Be Made by the World’s Coal-fired Power Plants

Gas Turbine after Market is both Substantial and Concentrated

$10 Billion Annual Market for Precipitator Upgrade and Repair

Fossil Fuel-fired Power Plants can be a Positive rather than A Negative Contributor to Water Quality

Many Variables Impact the Market for Industrial Pumps

Rapid Changes in the DeNOMarket

Innovations Changing the Industrial Scrubber Industry

Multi-Billion Dollar/Yr. Market to Reduce Mercury in Air and Gas

Asia Will Be the Largest Purchaser of Gas Turbine–Combined Power Plants This Year

Desalination is a High Growth Market

Aquaculture is a Steady Growth Market

New Requirements to Remove Hazardous Air Pollutants Necessitate a Holistic Approach

Precision Forecasting of Flow Control and Treatment Products is Now Possible

Flow Control and Treatment Companies Will Be Unevenly Impacted By the Chinese Slowdown and Oil Priced Drop

20,000 MW of New Gas Turbine Facilities in the U.S. Are Being Built By Just 10 Companies

Benefits of Sharing Air Pollution Information across Geographies and Applications

Harm from CO2 vs. Other Pollutants

Two-thirds of the Cleanroom Laundry Business Is In Asia

$13 Billion Emissions Catalyst Market in 2016

The Environmental Systems Market Is a $1 Billion/yr. Opportunity for Valve Companies

Coal Is Still King in Sales of Ultrapure Water Systems

Asia Will Purchase 64 Percent of Fabric Filter Systems Next Year

The Top 200 Purchasers Buy More Than 50 Percent Of The World’s Industrial Air and Water Monitoring Equipment

Multi Billion Dollar Market to Separate Liquids from Oil and Gas

Major Changes in the Structure of the Fossil-fired Power Plant Supply Industry

Half of All Flow Control and Treatment (FCT) Purchasing Decisions Are Made Remotely

$2.9 Billion Market for Filtration and Separation in the Food Industry

Gas Turbine Intake Filter Sales To Exceed $1 Billion By 2021

Annual Investment in New Coal-fired Power Plants Will be $200 Billion

Power Plant Pump Purchases In 2016 Will Be $3 Billion

$7.4 Billion Air Filter Market Next Year

50 Companies Buy Half the Electrostatic Precipitator Systems and Parts

The Market for Mercury Removal Will Be Growing Robustly In the Next Decade

Investment Plans for LNG Exceed $1 Trillion

52 Companies Buy 52 Percent of All the NOx Control Reagents Purchased by Stationary Sources

The Top 200 Purchasers Buy More Than 50 Percent of the World’s Water Treatment Chemicals

Top 50 Companies Sell 41 Percent of the Valves While 16,000 Companies Sell the Balance

448 Companies and Projects Will Account For 41 Percent of Liquid Macrofiltration Purchases

$100 Billion Annual Gas Turbine Market

Reducing the Negative Impact of Coal Firing at Minimum Cost

Intelligent Pollution Control

430 Companies and Projects Will Account For 41 Percent of Industrial Scrubber Purchases

Purchases of Ultrapure Water Cartridges by Just a Few Companies Total $300 Million

Purchases of Ultrapure Water Cross-flow Membranes by Just a Few Companies Total $600 Million

300 Large Oil and Gas Projects Account For 80 Percent of the Flow Control and Treatment PurchasesTreatment Purchases

State by State Forecasts Needed by Suppliers of Flow Control and Treatment Products and ServicesTreatment Products and Services

Power Plants Will Spend $8 Billion for Valves In 2016

Ten Power Generators Will Purchase 50 Percent of the Mercury Reduction Products and Services In 2016

More Than 50 Percent Of The World’s Ultrapure Water Products Will Be Purchased By Just 50 Companies

Power Plant FGD Pumps Are a Fast Growing Segment in the Pump Industry

This Year 133 Companies Will Buy 55 Percent of the Fabric Filters

Seventeen Power Plant Owners Have Purchased 56 Percent of All the World’s FGD Systems

Chinese Market for Centrifuges Dominated By International Suppliers

Cleanroom Activity Remains Highest In Asia

Over 70,000 MW of Solid Fuel Fired Generators Slated For 2017 

68,000 MW of New Gas Turbine Plants Will Begin Operation In 2015

200 Companies Account For 75 Percent of All Fabric Dust Collector and Bag Purchases

$2.7 Billion Market for Catalyst for Stationary NOx and CO Control

Detailed Forecasting of Valves and Pumps Increases Accuracy and Facilitates Precise Estimates of Individual Project Opportunities

Detailed Forecasting Of Air and Water Monitoring Increases Accuracy and Facilitates Precise Estimates of Individual Project Opportunities

Indonesia Will Spend More Than $3 Billion/yr. for Power Plant Flow Control and Treatment Over the Next Ten Years

Water/Wastewater Treatment Chemical Market Could Be Slowed By the Chinese Slowdown and Oil Price Drop

Liquid Filtration Market Will Be Slowed By Sinking Chinese Economy, Drop in Oil Prices and New Technology

Seventy-One OEM/EPC Contractors Spend More Than $9 Billion For Valves

Cleanroom Market Growth Impacted by Chinese Economic Downturn

Thermal Oxidizer Market to Grow From 4 to 18 Percent Depending on Oil Prices and the Chinese Economy

Cross-Flow Membrane Market to Grow By 15 To 20 Percent in the Next Four Years Depending On Oil Prices and the Chinese Economy

$60 Billion O&M and Upgrade Opportunity for U.S. Fossil and Nuclear Power Plant Suppliers

Chinese Air Pollution Tsunami Will Hit U.S. Shores in a Few Years

World Market for Air and Water Monitoring to Rise to be $31 - $33 Billion in 2019 Depending on the Chinese Growth Rate

Oil Price and China Stock Market Plunges Will Impact the Air Filtration and Purification Market

Oil Prices to Have Minor Impact on the Market for Scrubbers and Absorbers

Oil Prices to Impact Pump Markets over the Next Four Years

Oil Prices to Impact Valve Markets over the Next Four Years

By 2030 Fifty-SixPercent of Vietnamese Electrical Capacity will be Coal

Investment in Coal-Fired Power Plants Will Exceed Other Energy Sectors In 2016

Ultrapure Water Market to Exceed $4 Billion Next Year

NOx Control Market Leveling Off but At a High Level

Who Buys Flow Control and Treatment Equipment?

OEMs, EPCs and Consultants Will Account For Flow Control and Treatment Purchases of $68 Billion In 2015

10 Percent of Cartridge Sales Will Be For Petroleum and Chemical Applications

World Fabric Filter Sales Could Exceed $23 Billion by 2019

Standard Market Research Reports Are Only the Starting Point

Environmental and Energy Knowledge Gap

Hot Gas Filtration Questions Replace Regulations as the Most Important Air Pollution Control Subjects

Multi Billion Dollar Zero Liquid Discharge Opportunity in China

The Biggest Opportunity in Air Pollution Control Is “Total Solutions”

World Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Business to exceed $30 billion by 2019

China Market For Flow Control and Treatment is Tricky

Total Solutions Can Add $15 Billion to Pump Company Revenues

Asian Cleanroom Consumables Market Is Growing At 7% Per Year

Liquid and Air Filter Element Solution Provider’s Revenue Potential Will Exceed $32 Billion This Year

Change Environmental Regulatory Policy to Foster R&D and Cost Effectiveness

Supreme Court Mercury Ruling Will Have Uneven Impact on the Pollution Control Industry

Billion Dollar Flow Control and Treatment Market to Reduce Coal Flyash Contamination and To Make Valuable By-products

$20 Billion Market for Air Pollution Solutions

Operators Are Challenged To Keep Up With Latest Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Technology

Market for Wet Calcium FGD to Remain At a High Level

Cartridge Sales for High Tech Applications to Exceed $7 Billion

$500 Million per Year for Gas Turbine Air Filters

Sulfuric Acid Mist Is a Problem Created By Pollutant Reduction

OEMS and Consultants Purchase or Influence Nearly Half Of All Flow Control and Treatment Products and Services

Keep Adapting to Offset Shrinking Coal Market in the U.S.

Industrial Valve Revenues Will Reach $68 Billion This Year

The Pharmaceutical Industry Ultrapure Water (UPW) Purchases to reach $550 Million in 2019

Market for Mercury Reduction Expanding beyond the U.S.

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Approach $6.8 Billion Next Year

Smart Pumps Will Help Drive Pump Revenues to $59 billion in 2019

How to Make Coal Plants Greener

Shifting in the Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Market

Hundreds of Options Facing Power Plants Purchasing New or Upgrading Wet Calcium FGD Systems

$25 Billion Annual Market for Coal-fired Power Plant Air Pollution Upgrades

$1.6 Trillion Investment in New Coal-fired Power Plants over the Next Decade

Thousands of Air Pollution Control Projects at Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants

Top Membrane Suppliers Have Most of the Membrane Market

Peaks and Valleys in the World FGD Market

Expenditures for Cleanrooms Will Exceed $5.6 Billion By 2020

Cement Industry Will Spend over $3.8 Billion on Air Pollution Control Equipment In 2015

World NOx Market to Reach $21 Billion This Year

$800 Million Cartridge Market in Food and Beverage By 2020

Difficult Complex Decisions For Coal-fired Power Plant Operators

Fabric Filter Market to Expand Rapidly Due to Precipitator Conversion

Air Filtration Market Will Exceed $7 Billion This Year

Asian Valve Market to Reach $31 Billion By 2019

$400 Billion Flow Control and Treatment Market Analyzed and Chronicled Daily

Gas Turbine Inlet Filter Decisions Are Critical and Complex

A Multitude of Hot Gas Filter Decisions Needed Due To Regulatory and Technology Developments

Six Percent Expansion of the Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Market This Year

Thousands of U.S. Water and Wastewater Plants Purchase Lime Based Products Each Year

$7 Billion/Yr. Market for Filtration and Separation to Improve Product Quality

More Than 30 New Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Projects per Week

Air Pollution Markets Shifting Toward Asia

Pump Suppliers Utilize Acquisitions for Product, Application and Geographical Growth

U.S. Industrial Plants Spend $18 Billion/Yr. for Liquid/Water Flow Control and Treatment

SO3 Poses New Challenges and Opportunities for Power Plants

Coal-to-Liquids and Coal-to-Gas Creates a Big New Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Products

Power Plants Need to Think Outside the Box in Dealing with Obsolescence

Major Shifts in the Market for Thermal Treatment of Stack Gases

New Approach for Decision Making in Environment and Energy

Asian Coal-Fired Power Generators Will Spend Over $300 Million/yr. for Ultrapure Water

HCl Scrubbing and Rare Earth Recovery from Coal-Fired Power Plants and Gasifiers are the Perfect Marriage

More Than 2,000 Major Industrial Air Pollution Projects In the Americas in Each Of The Next Five Years

Activated Carbon Sales for Air Pollution to Reach $1 Billion - $2 Billion/yr. By 2020

Lots of Mergers in the Gas and Liquids Flow, Control and Treatment Market

Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Plants Will Pay $800 Million for Water Treatment Chemicals This Year

Dry Scrubbing Market Growing in Many Directions

Air and Water Monitoring Revenues for Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants Will Exceed $1.9 Billion This Year

Dry Scrubber Market Will Grow At 9 Percent/Yr.

Cross-flow Membrane Equipment and Consumable Revenue to Top $19 Billion In 2019

Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants Will Continue To Spend More Than Other Countries Or Even Regions

$9 Billion NOx Control Market in 2019

Chinese Air Filter Sales Reach $1 Billion/yr.

$1 Billion/yr. Market for Belt Filter Presses and Replacement Belts

U.S. Utilities Will Spend More Than $20 Billion/yr. For New Gas Turbine Facilities

Industrial Valve Revenues Will Rise To Between $65 - $75 Billion By 2020

Multi-Billion Dollar Mercury Air Emission Market Is Taking a New Path

Wet Precipitators Could Capture 20 Percent of the Market in the Next Five Years

Asia Will Be Leading Cartridge Purchaser By 2019

Coal-fired Power Plants around the World Are Switching to Fabric Filters

2019 Industrial Pump Market to Exceed $58 Billion

Boom in Industrial Purchases of Pollution Control Equipment in the U.S.

Oil Price Fall will Impact Revenues for Flow Control and Treatment Equipment

Chinese Air and Water Monitoring Revenues to Exceed $5 Billion By 2019

A Step Forward In Ways to Sell and Purchase Power and Environmental Products

SCR Coal-fired Catalyst Sales to Exceed $1 Billion By 2017

Oil Price Fall Will Boost Gas Turbine Purchases

Western Europe Industrial Valve Purchases to Exceed $8.6 Billion Next Year

Huge but Changing Power Plant Air Pollution Market in China Has $100 Billion Potential

The New Approach to Market Forecasting For Flow Control and Treatment Products

Total FGD Market Much Bigger Than $3.4 Billion Forecast

Cleanroom Hardware Sales to Exceed $4.6 Billion Next Year

Market for Nuclear Valves to Exceed $2.4 Billion In 2017

Will the Market for Thermal Treatment Be $2 Billion or $4 Billion In 2019?

Shale Wastewater Treatment Is Fastest Growing Application in Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

The Global Warming Debate Can Be Resolved At Least Temporarily With a Plan to Please EveryonePlan to Please Everyone

Huge Air Pollution Market Shift Away From OECD

Water, Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Companies Are Re-Positioning To Take Advantage of a Changing Market

Desalination Will Account For 35 Percent of Membrane Use Next Year

Filter Media Sales to Exceed $12 Billion Next Year

Particulate Air Pollution Definitions and Goals Keep Changing

CIS Industrial Valve Purchases to Reach $4 Billion/yr By 2015

Hundreds of Subsea Projects with Thousands of Pumps Moving Forward Despite Shrinking Oil Prices

Pharmaceutical Companies to Raise Cartridge Purchases to $2.1 Billion in 2015

A Number of Gas Turbine Projects In Western Africa

The Future of Oil, Gas and Coal Dependent on Perception and Competition

Asian Ultrapure Water System Sales to Exceed $3 Billion By 2016

Industrial Scrubber System Revenues to Exceed $8 Billion In 2019

Why More Coal Is Going To Increase the Gas Turbine Market

Granular Filter Market to Exceed $1.7 Billion Next Year

Huge Chinese FGD Market for New Equipment and Repairs

Groundwater Remediation Market to Exceed $14 Billion Next Year

China Globe Valve Purchases to Exceed $3.5 Billion In 2019

$30 Billion NOx Control Market Centered In China

Air and Water Monitoring Sales to Exceed $32 Billion In 2019

Hundreds of Billions Could Be Spent For Upgrading U.S. Wastewater Plants

Industrial Pump Market to Exceed $48 Billion By 2019

Cross-flow Membrane Market to exceed $13 Billion In 2019

Industrial Valve Market to Exceed $70 Billion By 2019

Huge Variables in the World Energy Outlook

$2.9 Billion Market for Stainless Steel in Flow and Treatment Control Equipment In 2015

Substantial Merger Activity in the Air Filtration Industry

China Pump Market to Exceed $9 Billion Next Year

U.S. Market for Gas Turbine System Components Shaped By Regulations and Economics

$3.2 Billion Centrifuge and Clarifier Market in East Asia In 2015

The Asian Market for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Systems, Repair Parts and Service Will Exceed $11 Billion In 2015

Power, Water and Wastewater Are Three Big Water Treatment Chemicals Markets

Game Changers for the Air/Water Treatment and Flow Market

China Air Filter and Fabric Filter Markets Are Competing

Cleanroom Revenues to Exceed $14 Billion Next Year

Mercury Removal Market to Exceed $1 Billion/yr By 2015

Revenue Potential for Outsourcing of Fossil-Fired Power Plant Processes Is More than $20 Billion/yr

Power Plant Ultrapure Water Market to Reach $35 Billion In 2015

Scrubber Market Veering From Hardware to Consumables

Environmental Catalyst Market to Exceed $7.9 Billion In 2015

Reverse Osmosis Equipment and Membranes Will Account For 50 Percent of the Cross-Flow Market Next Year

Fabric Filter Market Could Be $4 Billion Larger If Catalytic Filter Is Adopted

Flow Control and Treatment Sales in the World’s Semiconductor Industry Will Increase To Over $6.5 Billion In 2015

Major Shift in the World Air Pollution Control Market

Coal and Gas Valve Markets to Exceed $20 Billion By 2019

U.S. Cartridge Companies Are Becoming International Leaders through Acquisitions

Middle East Pump Sales to Exceed $2 Billion Next Year

FGD Upgrades Will Assure a $5 Billion Annual Market

Upgrading Coal Plants around the World Is the Best and Quickest Way to Reduce CO2

Mercury Removal from Natural Gas and Industrial Stacks Will Generate Billions of Dollars in Annual Revenues for Solutions Providers

Consolidation in the World’s Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

Market for Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in China Will Be $5.7 Billion Next Year

Commercial Air Filter Sales to Approach $2 Billion in 2015

Major Changes in Oil and Gas Supply and Demand Outlook

Potential $200 Billion Market to Convert Simple Cycle Gas Turbines to Combined Cycle Operation

Granular Media Filters Will Account For 26 Percent of the $6.6 Billion Liquid Filtration Market In 2015

Asia Will Account For 43 Percent of the Air and Water Monitoring Market Next Year

Precipitator Market to Level Off in 2015

Coal-fired Power Generators to Spend $400 Billion On New Plants and Upgrades Next Year

Droughts and Water Shortage Is a Large Opportunity for Treatment and Flow Providers

Large Gas Turbine Aftermarket

Chinese Coal-to-Liquids and Gas Program Could Completely Change the World Energy Markets

$9 Billion Fabric Filter System Market Will Expand From 4% to 8%/yr

Unconventional Oil and Gas Will Cause Valve Sales to Be $3 Billion Higher In 2015

Semiconductor Cleanroom Growth In Double Digits

$24 Billion Will Be Spent On NOX Control Systems and Consumables This Year

Power Plants Will Spend $3 Billion for Pumps This Year

Coal Gasification Could Completely Change Asian Energy Outlook

World Market for Treat, Transport and Test Market Will Exceed $387 Billion By 2015

Multibillion Dollar Projects Are Major Portion of the Site Remediation Market

Cross-flow Membrane Market to Exceed $11 Billion By 2016

World FGD New System Market Will Exceed $3.4 Billion Next Year

Winning Strategy for CO2 Reduction at Coal-fired Power Plants

High Purity Water Market Much Larger Than Ultrapure

Major Changes in the Scrubber Market Due To Hot Gas Option and Vapor Recovery

Membrane Cartridge Annual Revenues to Exceed $4.6 Billion In 2019

Air and Water Monitoring Revenues to Exceed $25 Billion By 2017

Where Money Can Be Made In Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Market for Thermal Oxidizers in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Is Changing

Water/Wastewater Chemicals Market Is $26 Billion to $60 Billion Depending On Your Definition

New Approach to Deal with Avalanche of Gas Turbine Information

U.S. Air Pollution Control Companies Can Adjust To the Shrinking Coal Market

Large Market for Dewatering Sediment

U.S. Pump Market to Exceed $7 Billion In 2019

The Oil and Gas Industry Will Pay $19 Billion for Valve Solutions In 2015

Hot Gas Filter Market Has Potential to Grow By a Multiple Of 100

Mercury Reduction Market Expanding Outside the U.S.

Markets for Treating Water Are $224 Billion and Growing At Nearly Twice GDP

$690 Million Market for Ultrapure Water in the Americas

$21 Billion NOx Reduction Market In 2015

Air Filter Sales Will Exceed $2.5 Billion in the Americas Next Year

Cross-Flow Membrane System Sales to Exceed $3 Billion in the Americas Next Year

Market for New Gas Turbines and Associated Equipment Will Exceed $29 Billion This Year

Pump Market to Exceed $48 Billion/Yr by 2019

Will the Precipitator Market Soar or Sink?

New Service Helps Power Plants Make the Best Air Pollution Control Decisions

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures to Reach $7.5 Billion In 2015

Finding the Right Treatment, Flow Control or Process Supplier among 40,000 Worldwide Choices

Sales of Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals for Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Power Plants in U.S. Will Exceed $160 Million in 2015

Power Plants Will Spend $400 Million for Dry Scrubber Systems This Year

Sanitary Valve Market to Exceed $3.4 Billion in 2015

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Exceed $6.6 Billion In 2015

FGD Revenues to Exceed $7.7 Billion in 2015

Top Ten Air and Water Monitoring Companies Had A 20 Percent Market Share Last Year

Continuous Analyses of Energy and Environmental Subjects Now Available

$5 Billion 2015 Desalination Market for Pumps, Valves, Filters and Chemicals 

U.S. Stationary Source Catalyst Sales Will Exceed $300 Million In 2014

Asian Remediation Market to Exceed $5.4 Billion Next Year

U.S. Coal Upgrades Will Improve European Energy Security and Reduce Equivalent CO2 by Five Billion Tons per Year

Asian Purchases of Liquid Cartridges Will Exceed $5.4 Billion In 2015

Centrifuge Purchases by Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Exceed $1.2 Billion In 2015

Oil and Gas Industry Will Spend Over $10 Billion for Valves In 2015

China Will Spend $34 Billion/Yr for Air Pollution Control

Consolidation of the Air Filter and Dust Filter Media Companies

Municipal Water and Wastewater Pump Sales Will Exceed $14 Billion This Year

Billions of Dollars Will Be Spent For New Fabric Filter Technologies and Applications

$185 Billion Market for Gas Turbines in U.S. over Next 27 Years

Indoor Air Filter Revenues Will Exceed $7.1 Billion In 2015

$54 Billion Market for Flow and Treatment Products and Services in Municipal Water and Wastewater

Multibillion Dollar Market for Mercury Reduction

Industrial Scrubber Revenues to Exceed $7.2 Billion This Year

$2 Billion Market for Thermal Air Pollution Control Systems In 2015

Market for Electrostatic Precipitators Will Exceed $9.7 Billion In 2015

$30 Billion per Year to Be Spent For Carbon Capture and Sequestration

$4.9 Billion Ultrapure Water Market In 2015

$7.2 Billion Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment In 2014

China Will Spend $8.5 Billion for Pumps This Year

Investment in Fossil and Nuclear Plants Will Exceed $760 Billion in 2014

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures will be $7.1 Billion in 2014

Holistic Air Quality Solutions Needed For Power Plants

Big FGD Retrofit Market in the U.S.

Non-Woven Cartridge Market to Top $5 Billion In 2019

Gas Turbine Market Is Influenced By the Renewables Developments

The Market for Cross-flow Membrane Systems and Consumables for Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants Will Exceed $550 Million This Year

Gas Turbine Operators Will Spend $1 Billion for Valves This Year

China Will Account For 85 Percent of the NOx Control Expenditures This Year

Indian Market for Air and Water Treatment Equipment Will Reach $23 Billion This Year

$700 Million Will Be Spent For Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals in Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plants This Year

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Exceed $7 Billion By 2017

$425 Million Will Be Spent To Monitor Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Plants This Year

Coal-fired Power Plants Will Spend Just Under $1 Trillion for Products and Services In 2014

Pump Market to Generate Revenues of $40 Billion In 2014

Gas Turbine Expenditures to Exceed $106 Billion In 2014

100,000 Companies Supply or Specify Flow and Treatment Products and Services

World Expenditures for Mercury Control Will Be Large and the Decisions Difficult

Market for Air Filters to Reach $7 Billion By 2015

Oil and Gas Industry to Spend $10 Billion for Valves Next Year

More Than 50 Percent of the World’s Air Pollution Control Revenues Will Be In Asia By 2017

Every Region Is a Winner and a Loser in the Flow and Treatment Export Battle

Industrial Facilities in the U.S. are Spending Billions of Dollars on Flow Control and Treatment

Fabric Filter Innovations Keep Changing the Industry

The Pharmaceutical Industry Ultrapure Water (UPW) Purchases to Reach $0.5 Billion In 2017

Power Plant Operators Will Spend $8.5 Billion on Precipitators Next Year

Investment of $790 Billion in Fossil and Nuclear Plants This Year

Chemical Industry to Spend $440 Million Next Year on New Centrifuges and Clarifiers

One Third of $10 Billion Cross-flow Membrane Market Will Be In East Asia Next Year

Mercury Removal Market Could Grow From Less than $1 Billion/Yr to Over $10 Billion In The Coming Years

Chemical Industry Will Spend Just Under $ 700 Million for Liquid Cartridges Next Year

Air Pollution Control Supplier Revenues to Exceed $44 Billion In 2014

Dry Scrubber Industrial Market to Exceed $500 Million This Year

Cleanroom Consumables Market to Exceed $7 Billion In 2014

More Than $10 Billion Committed Each Week for Oil, Gas and Refining Projects

$12 Billion Fabric Filter Market in 2014

Top Eight Thermal/Catalytic Treatment Suppliers Have 18 Percent of the World Market

Air Filter Market Will Exceed $6.9 Billion In 2014

$4.7 Billion 2014 Desalination Market for Pumps, Valves, Filters and Chemicals 

World FGD Market Will Dip This Year but Increase 40 Percent By 2015

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $1.6 Billion for Air and Water Monitoring Equipment Next Year

$13 Billion Market for Gas Turbine Air Treatment In 2014

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $4.5 Billion for Valves In 2017

Free Service on Gas Turbine Air Treatment Available To Operators

China Has Large New Flow Control and Treatment Opportunities

Municipal Wastewater Liquid Filtration Revenues to Exceed $1 Billion Next Year

Purchases of NOx Control Systems and Catalyst to Exceed $12 Billion This Year

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $8.3 Billion for Pumps Next Year

New Greenhouse Gas Standards for Coal-fired Power Should Make Exception for Beneficial Waste Steam Use

Municipal Wastewater Flow and Treatment Revenues to Exceed $23 Billion In 2014

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $4.5 Billion For Valves In 2017

Complex Mercury Decisions for Power, Cement and Waste-to-Energy Plants Are Simplified With GDPS

The World Market for Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Systems, Repair Parts and Service Will Exceed $16 Billion in 2014

Upgrade Projects Costing $ Billions Underway At North American Municipal Drinking Water Plants

Liquid and Air Filter ElementSales Will Exceed $34 Billion This Year

Major Variables Make Precise Forecasting Of Future Energy Supply Mix Impossible

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $1.2 Billion for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment Next Year

China Will be the Leading Purchaser of Ultrapure Water Ion-Exchange and EDI Systems in 2017

U.S Air Pollution Control Sales Will Grow 7 Percent to $8.9 Billion In 2017

RO Equipment and Membranes Will Comprise 50 Percent of the Cross-flow Membrane Market Next Year

Is the Market For Mercury Control Millions or Billions of Dollars Per Year?

Fabric Filter Purchases by Power Plants Could Exceed All Other Applications Combined

Membranes Will Comprise 30 Percent of $15 Billion Cartridge Revenues In 2014

100,000 People Who Are Changing the Worlds Environment and Access to Energy

$224 Billion to Be Invested In New Coal-fired Power Plants Next Year

Asia Will Account For More Than Half the $6.4 Billion 2014 Liquid Macrofiltration Market

Billion Dollar Opportunity for Thermal Treatment in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry

62 Percent of $7 Billion Air Filtration Market Will Be In the Industrial Sector Next Year

More Than 92,000 MW of Gas Turbines Will Start Power Generating Next Year

Cleanroom Hardware Sales to Exceed $4.3 Billion Next Year

Absorbers Will Account For 45 Percent of Scrubber Sales In 2014

Thirty New Municipal Wastewater Projects Per Week in North America

China Can Remove Mercury at Low Cost Thanks To U.S. Developments

$152 Billion Liquid Treatment and Control Market Will Grow At 6%/yr Thanks to Asia

China Can Remove Mercury at Low Cost Thanks to U.S. Developments

Chinese Valve Purchases to Exceed $10 Billion Next Year

China Is the Center of the World’s FGD Market

$700 Million Market to Measure Particles in Air

Pump Companies Are Expecting a Strong Year In 2013

Cogeneration, Fuel Switching, and Upgrades Are All Choices for U.S. Industrial Boiler Operators

Stationary NOx Catalyst Market to Reach $2 Billion in Next 4 Years

Power Plants Will Spend $21 Billion Next Year on Water Related Equipment and Consumables

Many New Refinery Projects Are In the Developing Countries

Sedimentation & Centrifugation World Market Revenues to Exceed $8.5 Billion By 2017

1,890 Large Active Projects At Coal-fired Power Plants in China

Decisive Validation Is the Route to Better Decision Making In the Developing World

Sales of Thermal Treatment Systems to Exceed $1.9 Billion Next Year

Water and Wastewater Chemical Revenues in Asia to Approach $12 Billion Next Year

Mercury Control Market Could Be $1 Billion Per Year But When?

Lots of Merger Activity in the $6 Billion Liquid Filtration and Media Market

Billion Dollars Per Year CO2 Mitigation Market

Ultrapure Water Revenues to Reach $4.4 Billion in 2014

Sales of New Industrial Precipitators Will Exceed $7.6 Billion Next Year

$15 Billion Cartridge Filter Market in 2014

Fabric Filter Media Suppliers will Post Revenues of $1.6 Billion Next Year

Oil and Gas Valve Revenues to Reach $10 Billion Next Year

$7 Billion Market for Corrosion Resistant Materials in the Flow and Treatment Markets

Chinese Cleanroom Market Growing at Double-Digit Rates

European Purchases of Industrial Pumps will Exceed $9 Billion by 2015

NOx Control Expenditures of $8.7 Billion will Account for 18% of 2014 Air Pollution Market

$532 Billon Coal-fired Retrofit and Upgrade Market in the U.S. and Europe

Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry is Hot Market for Flow Control and Treatment

Scrubber and Absorber Revenues to Reach $7.5 Billion by 2017

Desalination Market Moving to Reverse Osmosis and Larger Flow Control Expenditures

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures to Rise $350 Million This Year

Huge NOx Control Program in China will Boost Catalyst and SCR System Sales

1,900 Active Municipal Wastewater Treatment Projects in the U.S. and Canada  

Significant Changes in FGD Technology are Predicted

European Fossil Power Market Taking a Surprising Turn toward Coal and Wood

Huge Site Remediation Needs in Asia

The Big Get Bigger in the $38 Billion Global Pump Industry

Desalination Cross-flow Membrane Revenues will rise 50 Percent by 2017

Coal-fired Power Plant SCR Use to Double between 2012 and 2017

Thousands of North American Water Treatment Projects are for Replacement Rather than Growth

Clarifiers will Contribute 43 Percent to the Sedimentation/Centrifugation World Revenues Next Year

European Companies are Winning the Air Pollution Equipment Orders in Cement Plants in the U.S. and ROW

GE Competing with Ecolab, Flowserve, Xylem and Pentair for Top Spot in Fluid Treatment Market

Market to Remove Mercury From Air is Complex

Fuel Cost and Environmental Regulations are Causing Changes in Industrial Boiler Design and Operation

$6.5 Billion Liquid Macrofiltration Market in 2014

$30 Billion Water/Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market by 2017

Lots of New Developments in $11.2 Billion World Market for Fabric Filters and Bags

Largest International Air Filter Suppliers are Focusing on Asia

Top Three Air and Water Monitoring Companies Have 13% Market Share, But Only 6% in Asia

Power Plant Operators will Spend $122 Billion this Year to Build and Maintain Gas Turbines

Three Largest Valve Companies have only 5.2 Percent of the Asian Valve Market

Asian Ultrapure Water Sales to Exceed $3 Billion in 2015

Investment in Refurbishing and Maintaining Coal Plants will Increase by 40 Percent over the Next Five Years

Liquid Cartridge Sales to the World Pharmaceutical Industry Will Exceed $2 Billion this Year

Asian Market for Stationary and Mobile Catalytic System Revenues to Approach $12 Billion this Year

Scrubber Revenues to Exceed $2.6 Billion in East Asia Next Year

Cross-flow Membrane Market Revenues in 2014 will exceed $10.4 Billion

$11 Billion Market for NOx Control in 2014

Power Industry to Spend More than $22 Billion for Water Flow and Treatment Next Year

Thousands of Projects Worth Hundreds of $ Billions in Booming Oil and Gas Industry

Marine Market for Flow Control and Treatment is Growing at Double-Digit Rates

How to Cope with Retirement of Experienced Power Plant Environmental Engineers

More Than 11,000 Control System Projects at Fossil-fired Power Plants Next Year

Coal will Generate 77 Percent of the Flow Control and Treatment Revenues in the $45 Billion Power Market

Flue Gas Desulfurization Revenues Will Range between $3 Billion to $8 Billion/Yr over the next 3 Years

World Cleanroom Space will Increase by 6 Million Square Feet This Year

Chinese Pump Revenues to Exceed $8 Billion in 2014

Thousands of Projects Worth Hundreds of $ Billions in Booming Oil and Gas Industry

Mining Air Pollution Control Purchases to Exceed $2 Billion This Year

Gate, Globe and Ball Valves will be the Most Popular in the $61 Billion Industrial Valve Market in 2015

Many Double Digit Growth Niches in the Water/Wastewater Treatment and Control Market

Asia is the Leading Purchaser in the $7.6 Billion Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

2000 Industrial Boilers Will Spend Between $4 and $12 Billion to Meet the New Industrial Boiler MACT Rule

Air Filter Market Revenues Expanding Due to Higher Quality Substitutions

Top Ten Air and Water Monitoring Companies Have 21 Percent of the Total Market

Holistic Program for Solution to Coal-fired Power Plant Environmental Problems

Race for World Dominance in Air, Water and Energy Will be Won by Companies Not Countries

Hundreds of Active Projects in $19 Billion Canadian Oil Sands Market

Mergers Create New Leaders in the $340 BillionAir/Gas/Water/Fluids Treatment and Control Markets 

Nuclear Power Plants Will Spend $1.6 Billion for Valves Next Year

Remediation Expenditures to Increase in Proportion to the Scarcity of Water

Granular Media Filter Market to Exceed $1.6 Billion in 2014

Growth of the Mercury Reduction Market Hard to Predict

Huge Variable in Fabric Filter Market Depending on Power Regulations in U.S. and China

Scrubber Revenues to Approach $6.9 Billion in 2014

Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market to Exceed $25 Billion in 2014

China is the Leading Purchaser of Air Pollution Control Equipment

Cross-flow Membrane Revenues to Exceed $10 Billion by 2014

NOx Control Market will be $5.5 Billion in 2014

Coal-fired Power Plant Retirements will be Significant but Not a Dominant Factor in Future Capital Expenditures 

2014 Market for Liquid Cartridges Will Exceed $15 Billion

The U.S and Europe are Embarked on Hundreds of Projects to Automate and Control Coal-fired Power Plants

U.S. Water Utilities are Embarked on Thousands of Capital Projects

Instrument and Control Market for Ultrapure Water Will Exceed $468 Million This Year

Sales of New Precipitator Systems Will Exceed $5.6 Billion in Asia in 2013

Smart Pumps Will Help Drive Pump Revenues to $46 Billion in 2017

U.S. Cement Industry will spend $685 Million/yr. for Air Pollution Control in 2013-15

Boosting Air Pollution Export Sales

Gas Turbine Inlet Filter Market to Exceed $400 Million This Year

East Asia Will Spend $4.8 Billion on FGD This Year

Desalination Flow Control and Treatment Revenues to Exceed $9 Billion by 2020

Power Companies will be the Largest Purchasers in the $7 Billion Sedimentation and Centrifugation Market

Air Monitoring Market to Exceed $ Billions This Year

$18 Billion Will be Spent by U.S. Companies to Meet the New MATS Limits

Cleanroom Air Process Automation and Control is a $353 Million Market

Progress With Smart Valves Will Lead to 10 Percent Higher Growth in the $55 Billion Valve Industry

Pressurized Oxy-Combustion is Just One More Route to Clean Coal

$61 Billion Flow Control and Treatment Market in 2016 in the Energy Sector

$69 Billion Market for Industrial Process Automation and Control in 2013

$26 Billion Market for Mobile and Stationary Catalytic and Thermal Treatment

$80 Billion Market to Upgrade Old U.S Coal-fired Power Plants

Power Industry to Spend $4.8 Billion for Treatment Chemicals in 2013

Middle East to Spend $1.4 Billion for Air Pollution Control in 2013

$44 Billion Industrial Air Pollution Control Market in 2013

Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Flow Control Revenues to Exceed $24 Billion in 2013

Chinese Air Pollution Control Market to Approach $19 Billion in 2013

$1.5 Billion Market for Roll Goods for Fabric Filter Dust Collectors

Residential Will Comprise 30 Percent of Liquid Cartridge Market in 2013

$61 Billion Flow Control and Treatment Market in 2016 in the Energy Sector

Most of the Dollars but Only 50 Percent of the Projects are Selecting SCR over SNCR and Other NOx Removal Techniques

2100 Major Municipal Water Treatment Projects in the U.S. and Canada in Next 12 Months

Mercury Capture from Stack Exhausts around the World Will Require Chemicals Totaling $1.5 to $3 Billion/yr

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Approach $7 Billion Next Year

World Pump Sales to Grow 25 Percent to $46 Billion in 2017

Future Electricity Mix Depends on the Price of Oil

$40 Billion World Site Remediation Annual Market by 2015

Flow Control and Treatment Markets to Rise $15 Billion Next Year to $338 Billion

$6.6 Billion Scrubber Market Next Year

16,000 Municipal Wastewater Plants in U.S. Will Spend $5.5 Billion Next Year for Flow Control and Treatment

Utilities Will Finish 968 Air Pollution Projects Next Year at a Cost of $25 Billion

Ultrapure Water Market to Grow At An 8 Percent Rate Over Next Two Years

Oil and Gas Industry Valve Purchases to Exceed $9 Billion Next Year

Power Will Account for 45 Percent of the Air Pollution Control Market Next Year

$7 Billion Indoor Air Filtration Market Slated to Grow 4 Percent in 2014

$9 Billion Cross-flow Membrane Market Will Grow Faster Than the Economy Next Year

Strategically Located Energy Complexes are the Greenest Option Affordable

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures to Reach $7 Billion Next Year

Sedimentation and Centrifugation Revenues to Rise 5.6 Percent Next Year to $7.3 Billion

The World Market for Electrostatic Precipitator Systems, Repair Parts and Service Will Exceed $15 Billion in 2013

Purification and Flow Control Revenues of $5.8 Billion in the U.S. in 2013

$7.5 Billion Air and Water Monitoring Market in East Asia

25 Percent of the Cartridge Market is Now in East Asia

World Market for Dust Collector Bags to Exceed $2.7 Billion Next Year

Industrial Pump Revenues Will Exceed $38 Billion Next Year

Billion Dollar Annual Market for Mercury Reduction

FGD Market Shifts toward East Asia

Desalination is a Growth Market for Flow Control and Filtration

East Asia Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Exceed $2.6 Billion in 2013

World Needs to Efficiently Utilize Its Finite Coal Reserves

China Will Buy More NOx Catalyst Than the Rest of the World Combined

Niche Experts and Decisive Classification Will Boost the U.S. and World Economies

Sales of Filters to Purify Indoor Air Will Exceed $6.7 Billion Next Year

Larger Water Treatment Chemical Companies Expect to Grow Faster Than the Market as a Whole

East Asia Will Buy 36 Percent of the Scrubbers Next Year

Valve Industry Expecting Greater Growth Than Predicted by McIlvaine

Drinking Water Supplies Will Account For 48 Percent of the Cross-Flow Membrane Equipment and Module Purchases Next Year

International Specialization Not Nationalism for the Water Industry

$5.5 Billion Market for NOx Control Systems Next Year

The Market for Fabric Filter Systems and Replacement Elements Will Exceed $8.7 Billion in 2013

Liquid Cartridge Revenues to Exceed $16 Billion in 2013

Large Treatment and Flow Control Companies Expect to Grow 5.2 Percent in 2013

Asia Will Account For 45 Percent of the Air and Water Monitoring Market Next Year

Cross-State Air Decision Will Have Only Minor Impact on the Equipment Market

Air Filtration and Pollution Control Hardware and Consumables Will Generate Revenue of $44 Billion in 2013

Pump Revenues to Exceed $38 billion in 2013

Industrial Air Pollution Control Revenues in China to Exceed $23 Billion in 2013

$3 Billion Ultrapure Water Market in Asia Next Year

Gas-to-Liquids to Generate $4 Billion in Annual Investment Over the Next Decade

The Market for Catalytic and Thermal Treatment Will Grow to $22 Billion Next Year

FGD Revenues to Exceed $7.6 Billion Next Year

$479 Billion Coal-fired Power Plant Investment Next Year

$3 Billion Centrifuge and Clarifier Market in East Asia Next Year

Cleanroom Consumables Market to Reach $7 Billion Next Year

Market for Filters to Purify Indoor Air is Booming

Power Plant Air Pollution Orders to Exceed $21 Billion This Year

Industrial Valve Sales Will Exceed $55 Billion Next Year

New developments in Power Plant Air Pollution Control Are Keeping Pace with Regulatory Changes and Health Determinations

Cement Industry Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Purchases Downgraded from $10.5 Billion in 2012 to $8.4 Billion

Semiconductor Industry to Spend $2.3 Billion This Year for Flow Control and Treatment Products

$52 Billion Municipal Treatment and Flow Control Market in 2012

$1 Billon Market for Chemicals to Capture Mercury

World Industrial and Municipal Flow Control Revenues Will Exceed $90 Billion This Year

Air Pollution Control Revenues Will be $35 Billion This Year

$6.4 Billion European Air Pollution Control Market Driven by Regulations

Air and Water Monitoring Terms - Decisive Classification Needed

$390 Billion Investment in Coal-fired Boilers Next Year

Market for Particle Separation from Liquids Will Exceed $46 Billion This Year

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Invest $26 Billion In Flow Control and Treatment This Year

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Exceed $6.6 Billion in 2013

World Scrubber Market to Exceed $6.5 Billion Next Year

Ten Top Growth Markets in Air, Water and Energy

Investment in Fossil and Nuclear Plants Will Exceed $736 Billion in 2013

U.S. Industrial Air Emitters to Spend $1 Billion/yr for Air Pollution Control Over the Next Five Years on More Than 2000 Specific Projects

Liquid Cartridge Market to Exceed $16 Billion Next Year

$2 Billion Replacement Membrane Market This Year

Dust Collector Filter Bag and Cartridge Market to Exceed $2.4 Billion This Year

Market for Chemicals to Treat Air will Grow Faster than Water

Decisive Classification is an Important New Tool in Air, Water and Energy

Market for Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Will Approach $25 Billion Next Year

NOx Control Equipment and Consumables Revenues Will be $6.8 billion This Year

Large Players in Air and Water Need to Follow Inorganic Growth with Organic

Asian Industrial Pump Sales to Reach $16 Billion This Year

Air Pollution Control System Purchases to Exceed $51 Billion in 2012

Air and Water Instrumentation Market to Exceed $14.1 Billion This Year

Air and Water Product Prices Are Up 9 Percent Since 2010

$36 Billion World Site Remediation Market in 2012

Water Treatment and Flow Market Has Double-Digit Growth Segments

Cleanroom Hardware Market to Exceed $4 Billion This Year

World FGD Market to Exceed $16 Billion This Year

$4.2 Billion Desalination Market for Pumps, Valves, Filters and Chemicals

More Than 10,000 Active Environmental Projects for the World’s 7,000 Coal-fired Power Boilers

“Create and Trade” is a Better Way to Deal with Coal-fired Power Plant CO2 Emissions

China is the Largest Market for Water Treatment Equipment and Consumables

$4 Billion Industrial Segment Boosts the Indoor Air Market to $6.5 Billion

Clarifiers and Centrifuges are the Largest Segments in the $7 Billion Gravity Separation Market

Asia Dominates the $4.4 Billion Ultrapure Water Market

Sales of Air Polltion Control Equipment to Reach $68 Billion This Year

Filtration Media Market to Exceed $17 Billion This Year

North American Municipal Drinking Water Plants Will Spend Over $3.5 Billion on New Hardware, Instrumentation and Treatment Chemicals

Stationary NOx Control Revenues Will Exceed $5.7 Billion This Year

Thermal and Catalytic Emission Reduction Generate a $20 Billion Market

Tyco Flow Control Merger with Pentair Creates a New Leader in Air/Water Treatment

Ballast Water Treatment is the Big New Market for Liquid Macrofiltration

The World Market for Electrostatic Precipitator Systems, Repair Parts and Service Will Exceed $13.7 Billion This Year

Liquid Treatment and Flow Control Market Remains Fractured

$45 Billion Annual Pump Market by 2017

Industrial Valve Market to Reach $65 Billion by 2017

Carbon and Non-woven Cartridge Markets to Exceed $15 Billion This Year

Thousands of Air Pollution Upgrades Underway at Coal-fired Power Plants

World’s Drinking Water Plants to Spend $18.5 Billion on Treatment and Flow Control this Year

Cross-Flow Membrane Revenues Will Exceed $9.3 Billion This Year

New Technologies and Applications are Boosting Scrubber Revenues

Progressive and Opportunistic Cleaner Energy Should be the Strategy

Industrial Valves Market in East Asia to Exceed $15 Billion This Year

$24 Billion Water and Wastewater Chemicals Market in 2012

Multi Billion Dollar Market for Air Pollution Monitoring and Sampling

NOx Control Market to Exceed $5.7 Billion This Year

Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control Market Boosted by New Industries and Regulations

Municipal Water Treatment Plants Will Spend $4.5 Billion for Filtration and Separation Equipment in 2012

Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $1.1 Billion This Year for Centrifuges and Clarifiers

China to Outspend U.S. 6 to 1 on New Fossil/Nuclear Generation, But Will Add 45 Times as Much Generating Capacity by 2020

Indoor Air Filter Market to Reach $7.2 Billion this Year 

World FGD Market to Exceed $7.8 Billion This Year

Liquid Macro Filtration World Market to Reach $7 Billion/yr by 2015

Ultrapure Water Market to Exceed $4 Billion in 2012

$6 Billion Fabric Filter Systems Market in 2012

Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Market to Grow to $403 Billion in 2017

$3.5 Billion Pump Purchases by the Power Industry this Year

China to Spend $100 Billion Per Year on New Coal-fired Power Plants for the Next Decade

Cleanroom Consumables Market to Exceed $6.6 Billion in 2012

Industrial Valve Market Will Top $53 Billion in 2012

World Cartridge Market to Exceed $15 Billion in 2012

Revenues for Scrubbers, Adsorbers and Biofilters to Exceed $6 Billion in 2012

Fracturing and Other Unconventional Gas Requirements Boost Fluid Treatments and Control Markets

Mercury Control Market to Soar with New Utility Toxic Regulations

Power Plants should be Producers of Chemicals and Pure Water

Utility Power Water Treatment Market Will Exceed $23 Billion in 2012

$5.6 Billion for Chemicals for Air Pollution Control in 2012

Cross-flow Membrane Market to Reach $12 Billion by 2017

Thermal Oxidation Market to Reach $1.8 Billion Next Year

CSPR Boosts the NOx Market in U.S. While European Market Slows

Separation and Control are the $100 Billion Segments in the $380 Billion Fluid Treatment and Control Market

World Industrial Valve Market to Grow 27% by 2017

Gas Turbine Capacity Growth to Exceed Coal but at Far Lower Investment

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Reach $6 Billion in 2012

U.S. and Canadian Wastewater Plants Enter Into More Than 100,000 Contracts per Year

Industrial Pump Market to Exceed $37 Billion in 2012

Sedimentation & Centrifugation Market Will Grow in 2015

Cement Industry Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Purchases to Reach $10.5 Billion in 2012

$5 Billion Air Monitoring Market in 2012

Industrial Valve Market to Hit $53 Billion Next Year

New Standards Will Add $40 Billion in Air Pollution Investment in China

Market Shares Keep Changing in $381 Billion Fluid/Gas Treatment Market

Liquid Cartridge Filter Company Profits Up 26 percent

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Exceed $6 Billion Annual Revenues Next Year

How to Determine Whether Obama was Right or Wrong on Ozone?

Fluid Treatment Company Profits Soar 53 Percent

Indoor Air Filter Market Will Reach $8 Billion by 2015

$14 Billion Liquid Cartridge Market in 2012

Air Pollution Markets will Grow Faster than GDP

Technology to Drive the Fluid Treatment and Flow Market

Asian Cleanroom Purchases will Reach $7.5 Billion in 2015

North America will be Largest Market for Fluid Treatment and Control of Unconventional Fuels

Fluid Treatment and Control Market is $381 Billion/year

$900 Million Market for Desal Components and Materials

Chemical Revenues for and from Air Pollution Control to Exceed $5.2 Billion by 2020

Thousands of Energy and Environment Exhibitions Each Year with Hundreds of Thousands of Exhibitors

Market for Cross-flow Membranes to Rise 41 Percent by 2015 in Middle East

Decisive Classification is the Key to Economic Growth

$3.8 Billion Ultrapure Water Market in 2011

$6.1 Billion Precipitator Market This Year

Power Plant Materials Development Are the Key to Low Cost Clean Electricity

150 Chemical Companies Pursuing $2.3 Billion North American Municipal Water and Wastewater Chemicals Markets

Meet the Most Ambitious Greenhouse Gas Goals with New Coal Plants Now

Scrubber/Adsorber Revenues in East Asia Will Top $2 Billion Next Year

SMR Market Could Top $153 Billion by 2030

Coal-fired Projects for 2014 Start-up Represent Purchases of $220 Billion

World Pump Market to Grow by 19 Percent Through 2015

Power is the Big Growth Segment for the Fabric Filter Industry

Eastern Asia Will Account for 30 Percent of Industrial Pump Market in 2011

World FGD Market to Exceed $6 Billion/yr Over the Next Decade

$59 Billion Valve Market in 2015 with 7 Percent Annual Growth in Asia

Niche Knowledge Leveraging is the Key to Prosperity

NOx Control Market to Reach $7.6 Billion This Year

Consolidation in $7 Billion Air Filtration Market

10 Largest Air Quality Challenges for Power Plant Operators

Unconventional Fuels Market for Filtration and Flow is $3.4 Billion

Markets for Centrifuges, Clarifiers, and Separators to reach $6.4 Billion this Year Thanks to the Unconventional Fuels Segment

Cement Plants to Spend $2.6 Billion/yr for Air Pollution Control over the Next 3 Years

Cooling Tower Recirculation and Sewage Treatment Are the Big Growth Segments in the $150 Billion Liquid Flow Control and Treatment Market

Cleanroom Hardware Sales Will Be $3.8 Billion This Year But Up $1 Billion In 2015

North American Municipal Water Plants Receive Four Million Chemical Bids per Year

Catalytic and Thermal Oxidizer Sales to Exceed $1.7 Billion this Year

Liquid Macrofiltration Revenues to Exceed $5.2 Billion This Year 

World Cartridge Filtration Revenues to Exceed $13 Billion This Year

Water & Wastewater Chemical Sales to Exceed $22 Billion This Year

Air Pollution Control Revenues to Exceed $65 Billion in 2011

New Plants Verify Solar Energy Market

World Will Invest $1.2 Trillion in New Coal Generators But Only $730 Billion in Nuclear and Gas Power in Next Decade

Cleanroom, Gloves, Wipes, Garment Revenues to Reach $6.4 Billion This Year

2500 Power Plant Air Pollution Projects - A New Record

Cross-flow Membrane Equipment and Systems Sales to Exceed $8 Billion This Year and $10 Billion by 2015

Industrial Valve Sales Will Approach $51 Billion in 2011

New Air Toxic Rules Will Require Huge Expansion of Activated Carbon, Fabric Filters and Bag Production

Nuclear Disaster Will Shift $200 Billion Investment to Fossil and Renewables

World Coal-fired Generators Will Complete 340 Air Pollution Upgrades Worth $21 Billion in 2011

$4 Billion Ultrapure Water Market in 2011

43 Percent of the Industrial Pumps Sold This Year Will Be Installed in Asia

$11.5 Billion Market for Fabric Filter Systems and Bags This Year

1000s of Municipal Drinking Water Projects are Underway in the U.S. and Canada

Coal to Generate More Electricity than All Other Fuels Combined in 2020

$8.8 Billion FGD System Market in 2011

$6 Billion Scrubber/Adsorber Market in 2011

$3 Billion Market for Air Pollution Monitoring, Sampling and Process Control

Air Filter Sales in Asia Soar Past $2 Billion

District Court MACT Ruling Changes the U.S. Air Pollution Market

$10.3 Billion Cleanroom Market in 2011

Chinese Power Plants Emit as Much NOX as All the Passenger Cars in the World

$6.2 billion Market for Sedimentation and Centrifugation Equipment in 2011

2011 Liquid Flow and Treatment Sales Forecast is $144 Billion with Asia Contributing 40 Percent

$40 Billion Market for Air Pollution Control Products in 2011

Liquid Cartridge Market to Grow to $15 Billion in 2015

Asian Investment in Wastewater Infrastructure Creates an Expanded Opportunity for Flow and Filtration Equipment

Reduce Debt and Create Two Million New Jobs - The Path Forward For The U.S.

Ultrapure Water Market to Grow 32% By 2015

China Installing More Coal-fired Boilers and FGD than ROW Combined

$10 Billion Cross Flow Membrane Market

$280 Billion Air and Water Treatment Markets

East Asia Will Account for 32% of the $26 Billion Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market in 2015

CEMS Market Exceeds $1 Billion

Industrial Valve Revenues Will Rise to $52 Billion by 2015

$10 Billion Fabric Filter Market

$8.4 Billion Chinese Pump Market by 2015

China Continues to Invest in New Coal-fired Power Plants and Air Pollution Control

EPA Promulgates New Cement MACT Rule Requiring Investment of $ Billions in Next 3 Years

$80 Billion in Upgrades of North American Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Next 5 Years

$3.3 Trillion 5 Year Capital Investment in Dynamic Segments of Energy and Environment

$2 billion/yr Market for Mercury Removal from Stack Gases

Knowledge Based Sales Result In Lowest Life Cycle Cost Decisions

45 Percent of the Macro Liquid Filtration Market is in Asia

$14 Billion Market for FGD Equipment and Consumables

Gulf Oil Spill Demonstrates That Knowledge is the Solution to the U.S. and World Economic Problems

Technology for Gulf Oil Spill and Gas Shale Fracing

The Solutions to Environmental and Energy Problems Have to be Coordinated

 World Market for Cleanroom Consumables Will Rise to $8 Billion in 2015

Clean Water Needs Will Drive the Liquid Treatment and Flow Control Markets to $338 Billion

Shale Gas Bonanza Will Alter Air, Water and Energy Markets

Liquid Cartridge Market to Grow to $14 Billion in 2012